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10 December 2008

No. 52 - Awakened

No greater moment in the recent history of the Black American will be witnessed and shared by so many then that which we have looked upon and listened to this past evening. No truer witness to the strength, character and integrity of the Black family can be visualized for those who have been stalled by the doubt and fear many have tried to align with the name Obama. And no conscience human being who took the time to put aside their bias and really hear Mrs. Obama speak of her love and commitment to husband, family, and country can walk away from this evening unchanged.



These are all the things I feel – even now – as I consider the events of this day in our modern history of Black America.

All the great humanitarians and leaders that have stood steadfast against the tidal waves of bigotry and ethnic disharmony are vindicated. Every single person who was ever wronged – or worse – must now understand that the change, and the telling of a new history that has been sought after for so long is now a simple vote away.

It occurs to me that we stand at a juncture of change and cultural identity that is a stark contradiction to the stereotypical derogatory perspective so many have tried to force us to believe. And it occurs to me that if those of us who have questioned the need for Senator Obama to become our next President could release their programmed fear and reluctance they would see a representation of the very foundation of a strong Black community – the Husband and the Wife working synergistically for the greater good of the family. Imagine that.

So what is this thing that has come over me and that, I believe, I share with so many others?

It is that common thread. That undying belief in my culture and my community to come together and do something good for all. That “knowing” deep in my gut that no matter what anyone may say about this Obama family, they do – indeed – represent the best opportunity to give so many Black Americans what has been missing - and sorely needed - for so long. And that is a demonstrated sense of love, caring, and commitment that gives everyone who has ever believed we could be and do more tangible proof that we have been right all along. It is our example to present to the world audience.

Smile, Black People, Smile.

But we should not allow ourselves to be fooled into thinking when Senator Obama is elected that will be enough... oh, no... that is only the starting point. The work that needs to be done will require each one of us to do our part to make certain the work does get done... President Obama cannot – and should not – do it all. The places where we live are OUR communities and we have an obligation to do our part to improve upon them. We have to be smart, steadfast, and committed to realizing a better life for this generation and for generations to come.

In looking at the production of the DNC this evening I saw a mother so overjoyed with pride I'm sure her soul was already experiencing Heavenly glory. I saw a brother and a sister that understood how important it was that they make it clear that while they were quite different, they were even more so, quite the same. I saw people in the crowd shedding tears of happiness in response to the authenticity and conviction that exuded from the speakers. And most importantly, I saw our Blackness standing upright in the midst of a throng of diversity and not only holding its own, but actively leading the charge toward a better tomorrow for all of us.

Am I excited? Most definitely. Am I being a bit premature? Who the hell cares. What's important is that something profound is happening to all of us who have held on to hope for so long.

I feel it in the deepest parts of me – those parts that refuse to be told how I should perceive my culture and my community. My heart pounds with energy that longs to find an escape. My senses are peaked, and every word I hear resonates. My willingness to hang in there and keep the faith is no longer in constant battle with my fear of loss or political betrayal. Indeed, I have chosen to believe in this Senator. And I know in my heart he is the right President of these United States of America.

Truth of the matter is my community has only ever benefited when a democrat was in office.

But there's another dynamic going on here that cannot be denied. I've said it before and I delightfully repeat myself: People now look at Us differently.

When a Black person speaks of doing something worthwhile and good for the community I'm seeing where people who may not have taken us seriously in the past are perking their ears and are far more warm towards us.

I want to urge every Black person who can vote to vote for Senator Obama. He is the only clear choice for uniting the country. His message of respecting and encouraging diversity while optimizing the strengths of each individual is the key. Divided WE fall, divided WE fail, and divided WE are finished. The proof is in the pudding that president bush has perpetrated against us all over the past eight years and we can ill afford anymore of it.

This notion of the first Black President will become our reality when we galvanize our communities and all vote him into office come November. We can no longer believe the media hype about division, Clinton, or any of the other nonsense arguments (and by the way, the only way to have experience as President is to have been the President... I don't recall there ever being a President McClain).

We have to start believing in ourselves enough to know that together we can create the reality we so badly need in all our communities. We can begin to address the issues that have torn our homes, families, churches, communities... our relationships asunder. And we can begin to realize a greater, better reality for ourselves as individuals.

We are Awakened.

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