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24 December 2008

No. 58 - A Christmas Gift To My Brothers

So I’m sitting here thinking of the season while I actively enjoy the wonderful feelings that permeate my body… And I’m wondering what could I say or do to inspire my Brothers out there who are facing the immense challenges that are now part of our daily lives… And I’m reflecting upon all I‘ve said and done this year so I can verify my heart and my mind are still in sync… I’m wanting to know if I’ve lived this year in a way I can be proud of, and if I’ve done all I could do to demonstrate that we are our hope, and that as long as we Brothers endeavor to do good for others – our community – we have done the greatest service any one man can do.

I can honestly say I have.

So what is the next thing I can do to keep our growth and unification steadily moving towards its completion? What message could I share with my Brothers that would inspire them to reach for something much higher than ever imagined? What words of wisdom could I espouse that would help and challenge those who have committed to the cause of self and/or community improvement to keep up the good work… do not quit… do not allow fear and the unknown to break your hope…

We are needed now more than ever and we must answer the call… our Ancestors require it.

So… A Christmas Gift To My Brothers:

I have learned that it is the role and responsibility of a Black Man to be there to always reassure his family that no matter what they go through, they will get through.

I have learned that we do have the power to influence our community for the good even in the midst of so much effort to destroy our community with negative and/or derogatory messages about who we are.

I have learned regardless of how much we ever think we know what it means to feel joy, there is nothing that can touch the joy I feel when I am doing good for those I love and care about… especially my community.

I have learned that our young men only need you to be there, active in their lives – not the cash and material possessions – to know that you do care and that they welcome your influence.

I have learned a young man may not say he loves you because he has never heard an old man say so.

And, I have learned there is no greater power any one individual can wield than that of a supporting community behind you.

So these are the gifts I present to you. These are the thoughts, observations, and facts around this issue that have made a tremendous difference in my life. I challenge you to take your view of things to a higher plateau so that you can glean the truth of what I’m saying.

I know the rewards for doing so will far exceed your wildest dreams, will inspire a greater closeness in your family, and will contribute to the National movement in our ranks to be regarded for who we really are.

So if you have also come to believe this to be true, what will you do next? Will you tell someone and then forget about it? Will you take it to heart and do nothing… something? Will you take a stand and take a greater role of helping to realize a greater community?

Will you…

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