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07 December 2008

No. 36 - Look At The Black Man Now

We must all agree that things are truly turning in the United States for the Black Man. Since Senator Obama has taken center stage and his capacity to stand toe-to-toe with the political “establishment” has opened the eyes to all of America I have noticed something peculiar. As I walk the streets and interact with the community – Black and White – I’m beginning to see my Brothers walk a little bit straighter. I’m beginning to see other ethnicities look at me a little bit differently – a greater sense of awareness, perhaps.

All to the good of the Black American. All to the good of so many of us who have been made to walk in the shadows of a system that has taken us for granted. All to the good of a future that, before the advent of Senator Obama on the National scale, appeared to be more of the rhetoric and defeatist activities that have plagued our system, and our communities.

If for no other reason every Black American should walk a little taller, feel a little better, think a little higher, and own a little more personal pride. We have earned it. We have worked our fingers to the bone. We have sacrificed so much to the “system”, and have been given so little in return. But today we can know that throughout the world every populace, every culture, every people is now looking at Black Americans in an entirely new light.

While this is cause for appreciation and celebration it is also a clarion call for Black Americans to seize the moment and begin to act cooperatively to establish a solid and more favorable foothold in American politics. It is a most humbling and honorable experience to share in the claiming of what is ours. It is an abundant blessing - and a statement of our maturation – when we actively flex our communal will and leverage the opportunity we now face to our advantage.

As a Black Man who works in the community, and who has a profound love for my community, I am immensely proud of all the dedicated and innovative leaders who share this journey with me. I have seen where so many others are now taking the perspectives and challenges of Black America to heart, and are now more willing to hear us, and to see us.

Barack Obama’s run to get the nomination has done far more than draw attention to his potential as a Black Man or the capabilities of Black Americans, it has placed the hypocrisy and contempt so many have harbored in secret squarely on the table. To see so many of the political “greats” stoop to ethnic machinations and attempts to belittle Senator Obama simply because of his culture, color and name only reaffirms to all Americans a truth we have known: Those immersed in the system will do anything imaginable to hold a foot on the neck of Blacks and to keep us at bay.

This entire political struggle between Senator Obama and Hilary supports a belief I’ve held for some time: The only way to overcome any system that is unfair or biased is to use the very rules of that system to expose the dysfunction and inequality embedded within it.

Go Obama, go!

It is with great joy and happiness that I say: Look At The Black Man Now.

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