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10 December 2008

No. 38 - The Politician and the Preacher (Part 2)

I took the time to watch Senator Obama as he addressed the Country today regarding matters of ethnic disparity in America. For the last couple weeks there has been a raging storm around statements made on all sides around ethnicity. These statements have driven home the reality that there is a line that is still present in our society that separates one ethnicity from the other. The speech lasted 30 minutes and I was most impressed with him statements. He gets it.

I stopped to consider his words in my attempt to gauge his awareness of the issues that impact the Black community. Not only did he make clear his profound understanding of how we in America have reached the tipping point around addressing ethnic inequality in the Black community, he also did a splendid job in pointing out the impact ethnic preference and inequality has had on all Americans. He has remained consistent in his desire, will, and goal of helping us all to realize a greater America by overcoming our individual and collective biases.

My senses are sizzling. My emotions are peaked. My Spirit is working feverishly to escape the confines of my body in celebration of his clarification of the facts.

I must take some time to further internalize his message as I compare it to that of my own.

He gave Rev. Wright the respect he – and his Church – deserved. He spoke of the many good things the Reverend and the Church has done for our community. He spoke of his strong kinship to the Reverend and of how he cannot – and will not – disassociate himself from the Good Reverend. And he spoke of how we, as Black Americans, have been dealing with the anger, pain, and hurt of ethnic disharmony and biases since the inception of America.

Go Obama, go!

I must say it is a most humbling experience to know that Senator Obama does, indeed, understand the depths of our struggles and the tragic role racism (and I’ll use that word this one last time) has had on the American psychology.

We are living in an age where everything is possible and we have the power, via our vote, to finally take the next step towards realizing a greater existence for all American. To be alive during this time in American history, to see more and more of us rise up against the barriers to equality that ethnic divisiveness has imposed, to feel the power of the truth resonating throughout the community – it is all magnificent.

This will be a short one - I think I’ll spend some time enjoying this ecstasy that has overcome me - but I would like to encourage you to take 30 minutes of your time to hear and see for yourself. It will be time well spent and it will remind you of a greater calling that we can embrace and take a leadership role in defining a greater America. The link to the YouTube broadcast is here:

We are now called to make this history OUR history. We now have every reason to believe there is hope and we do have a true voice in American politics. We are called to demonstrate to the world that we are a people who can – and DO – support our Country, our Churches, our Communities, and our Right leaders.

It is my fervent prayer and hope that we all get the word out and rally our Brothers and Sisters around Senator Obama. We must become the shield that protects him from those who have tried everything short of murder to ruin his image and keep us divided.

And we must believe that, indeed, Yes We Can.

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