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22 January 2010

The Ten Commandments of 2010

1. Thou shalt love thyself as thy love thy God, for his spirit dwells within thee

2. Thou shalt speak thy truth without fearful shame, for thy truth shall set thee free

3. Thou shalt embrace thine own goodness, giving to those thy love, those thy know, and those thy fear

4. Honor thy path which has been created for thee, that ye may receive all the blessings that dwell upon it

5. Find thy source of peace and bind it to thine own heart, that your days may be yours to own

6. Open thine own heart to the truths of those that love you, that thy goodness might be expanded, and thy life be more abundant

7. Love those that seek to hurt thee, keep them far from thy inner heart, and pray that they find their inner goodness

8. Give that which ye can, and know that is the fullness of thine offering

9. Make ye thine own time to seek thine inner self, that ye may truly know thine own heart

10. Blessed is he that stands upon his virtue, and yields not his integrity to those who seek to offend him, for his greatness will proceed before him

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