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21 January 2010


(The Poetry Series #3)

Oh, they think they’re right and will fight to the end
Only to lose that which they are fighting for
Constantly casting blame, unwilling to accept their own
Thinking to prove their rightness
Thinking to show they refuse to change
Thinking to safeguard their sense of self

Oh, they hold onto anger, wielded as bravado and ire
Hoping to get their way, no longer acting in union
The words strike at the heart
Cutting away, letter by letter, at the foundation
Cutting away, word by word, at what once was
Cutting away, intonation by intonation, at what could be

Oh, they strut their pain, seeking to gain supportive company
Surrounding themselves with their fans
Pumping up their angst, giving them a sense of entitlement
Making the road to understanding longer
Making the healing of the heart more difficult
Making the closeness once had -- only a memory

Oh, they build their lives in a treehouse of straw
Claiming it is a castle of brick and mortar
Not knowing it is seen for what it is
But always lobbying for you to believe otherwise
But always finding reason for it’s sagging
But always trying to shift the focus -- to you

Oh, they can love you like no other
And not love you just as easily
Thinking this is justified
Because you did not do what they wanted you to
Because you are not what they want you to be
Because you -- are you

Oh, their thoughts are the very things that keep them limited
Giving just a little of themselves
Thinking this is the safest thing to do
And end up wondering what happened
And end up asking why me
And end up still alone -- blaming

Oh, the conditions for their love are numerous
In equal measure to their issues
But that’s okay with them
You were the one who happened to resemble their past
You were the one who happened to speak the truth
You were the one who -- you were the one

These are the false truths they choose to believe in
And integrate their identities into them
These are the determined ideals that make one person
Think they are better than the next
These are the very mental constraints that impute ruin
And defeat the beauty of what could be
Their way is the way and no other way is right, or real
So they put down what you think
So they diminish what you value
So they are better than you -- so goes their Fairytale

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