After reading the below chapters I’m reminded of the value of prayer, of having concrete knowledge that prayers do get answered, and of my own belief in my capacity to realize all the goals I have set for myself. I also find myself reminiscing on my past -- the little boy who believed without question all the goodness this world has to offer, the boy who sang royally in the youth choir, the young man who always found a way to laugh at every situation, and the young adult who fearlessly embraced a new life in the Marine Corps, knowing it was his path to take.
Here I am many years later and I’m finding my need for a full Spiritual existence continues to grow. The information contained in the book is both illuminating and vindicating. I am caused to feel I’ve been on the right path of belief and faith for a long time now... and now I can embrace an even greater amount of faith.
As I read these pages I am forced (gladly) to consider my deepest beliefs and the actions I have taken to represent them in my life. Furthermore, I found this book as an answer to a prayer I sent out for guidance. My reading it is helping me to assess where my faith really is, and whether I truly believe (at my deepest core) in all the things I’ve espoused for so many years. A tremendous book, indeed...
Excerpts from “The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind” - Dr. Joseph Murphy ~ Chapters 3, 4, 5 & 6 - ISBN: 0-13-685925-9 ~
Marvelous are thy works; and that my soul [subconscious mind] knoweth right well.
As previously outlined, your subconscious cannot argue. It acts only from what you write on it. It accepts your verdict or the conclusions of your conscious mind as final. This is why you are always writing on the book of life, because your thoughts become your experiences. The American essayist, Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Man is what he thinks all day long."
The reason there is so much chaos and misery in the world is because people do not understand the interaction of their conscious and subconscious minds. When these two principles work in accord, in concord, in peace, and synchronously together, you will have health, happiness, peace and joy. There is no sickness or discord when the conscious and subconscious work together harmoniously and peacefully.
You will find throughout all nature the law of action and reaction, of rest and motion. These two must balance, then there will be harmony and equilibrium. You are here to let the life principle flow through you rhythmically and harmoniously. The intake and the outgo must be equal. The impression and the expression must be equal. All your frustration is due to unfulfilled desire.
We injure ourselves by the negative ideas which we entertain. How often have you wounded yourself by getting angry, fearful, jealous, or vengeful? These are the poisons that enter your subconscious mind. You were not born with these negative attitudes. Feed your subconscious mind life-giving thoughts, and you will wipe out all the negative patterns lodged therein. As you continue to do this, all the past will be wiped out and remembered no more.
Oftentimes your conscious mind interferes with the normal rhythm of the heart, lungs, and functioning of the stomach and intestines by worry, anxiety, fear, and depression. These patterns of thought interfere with the harmonious functioning of your subconscious mind. When mentally disturbed, the best procedure is to let go, relax, and still the wheels of your thought processes. Speak to your subconscious mind, telling it to take over in peace, harmony, and divine order. You will find that all the functions of your body will become normal again. Be sure to speak to your subconscious mind with authority and conviction, and it will conform to your command.
Begin now to take care of your conscious mind, knowing in your heart and soul that your subconscious mind is always expressing, reproducing, and manifesting according to your habitual thinking.
Claim that the healing presence in your subconscious is flowing through you as harmony, health, peace, joy, and abundance. Think of it as a living intelligence, a lovely companion on the way. Firmly believe it is continually flowing through you vivifying, inspiring, and prospering you.
Belief is a thought in the subconscious mind. It means to accept something as true.
All frustration is due to unfulfilled desires. If you dwell on obstacles, delays, and difficulties, your subconscious mind responds accordingly, and you are blocking your own good.
Keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the best, and your subconscious will faithfully reproduce your habitual thinking.
Your thought, idea, plan, or purpose is as real on its own plane as your hand or your heart.
Faith as mentioned in the Bible is a way of thinking, an attitude of mind, an inner certitude, knowing that the idea you fully accept in your conscious mind will be embodied in your subconscious mind and made manifest. Faith is, in a sense, accepting as true what your reason and senses deny, i.e., a shutting out of the little, rational, analytical, conscious mind and embracing an attitude of complete reliance on the inner power of your subconscious mind. This is the time-honored technique of healing, utilized alike by all healing groups throughout the world regardless of religious affiliation.
If a man says he is allergic to Onion grass, you can place a synthetic onion or an empty glass in front of his nose, when he is in a hypnotic state, and tell him it is onion, he will portray the usual allergic symptoms. This indicates that the cause of the disease is in the mind. The healing of the disease can also take place mentally.
Healing is due to a confident expectancy which acts as a powerful suggestion to the subconscious mind releasing its healing potency.
Belief is a thought in your mind which causes the power of your subconscious to be distributed into all phases of your life according to your thinking habits.
All your experiences, all your actions, and all the circumstances of your life are but the reflections and reactions to your own thought.
I strongly suggest that you cease talking about your ailments or giving them a name. The only sap from which they draw life is your attention and fear of them. Furthermore, by the law of your own mind, these imaginings tend to take shape, As the thing I greatly feared. Fill your mind with the great truths of life and walk forward in peaceful contentment.
Great and noble thoughts upon which you habitually dwell become great acts.
The most fundamental and the most far-reaching activity in life is that which you build into your mentality every waking hour. Your word is silent and invisible; nevertheless, it is real.
You must ask believing, if you are to receive. Your mind moves from the thought to the thing. Unless there is first an image in the mind, it cannot move, for there would be nothing for it to move toward. You must reach a point of acceptance in your mind, an unqualified and undisputed state of agreement.
The conscious mind is submerged to a great extent when in a sleepy state. The reason for this is that the highest degree of outcropping of the subconscious occurs prior to sleep and just after we awaken. In this state the negative thoughts, which tend to neutralize your desire and so prevent acceptance by your subconscious mind, are no longer present.
Power goes into our word according to the feeling and faith behind it. When we realize the power that moves the world is moving on our behalf and is backing up our word, our confidence and assurance grow.
Remember that the thankful heart is always close to the riches of the universe.
... Stay tuned for excerpts from the next two chapters ...
28 December 2009
Words To Help Pt. 2
27 December 2009
Words To Help
2009 is almost over and we have much to look forward to in 2010. I am in the process on making a significant change within my own self. I’ve begun reading a dynamic and interesting book that is acting as the catalyst for my change and I am honored to share the highlights with you. This book was first published in 1963 and the truths, lessons and insights contained within it still apply today.
I hope, as you read the below bullets, that you find something to hold on to that can be applied to your life today, and make 2010 your year of victory and new life as well.
As a result of my reading so far, I’ve created a short prayerly meditation I will make three times a day (each day), knowing this is the way to realizing all of my goals.
Excerpts from “The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind” - Dr. Joseph Murphy
~ Chapters 1 & 2 - ISBN: 0-13-685925-9 ~
Be sure that you think on whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Your subconscious mind is the builder of your body and can heal you. Lull yourself to sleep every night with the idea of perfect health, and your subconscious, being your faithful servant, will obey you.
Never use the terms, "I can't afford it" or "I can't do this." Your subconscious mind takes you at your word and sees to it that you do not have the money or the ability to do what you want to do. Affirm, "I can do all things through the power of my subconscious mind.”
The law of life is the law of belief. A belief is a thought in your mind. Do not believe in things to harm or hurt you. Believe in the power of your subconscious to heal, inspire, strengthen, and prosper you. According to your belief is it done unto you.
Whatever you claim mentally and feel as true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring forth into your experience.
Your subconscious mind is like the soil which accepts any kind of seed, good or bad. Your thoughts are active and might be likened unto seeds. Negative, destructive thoughts continue to work negatively in your subconscious mind, and in due time will come forth into outer experience which corresponds with them.
Remember, your subconscious mind does not engage in proving whether your thoughts are good or bad, true or false, but it responds according to the nature of your thoughts or suggestions. For example, if you consciously assume something as true, even though it may be false, your subconscious mind will accept it as true and proceed to bring about results which must necessarily follow, because you consciously assumed it to be true.
All things that have happened to you are based on thoughts impressed on your subconscious mind through belief. If you have conveyed erroneous concepts to your subconscious mind, the sure method of overcoming them is by the repetition of constructive, harmonious thoughts frequently repeated which your subconscious mind accepts, thus forming new and healthy habits of thought and life, for your subconscious mind is the seat of habit.
If you have indulged in fear, worry, and other destructive forms of thinking, the remedy is to recognize the omnipotence of your subconscious mind and decree freedom, happiness, and perfect health. Your subconscious mind, being creative and one with your divine source, will proceed to create the freedom and happiness which you have earnestly decreed.
It is true that different people will react in different ways to the same suggestion because of their subconscious conditioning or belief. For example, if you go to a sailor on the ship and say to him sympathetically, "My dear fellow, you're looking very ill. Aren't you feeling sick? You look to me as if you were going to be seasick." According to his temperament he either laughs at your "joke," or expresses a mild irritation. Your suggestion fell on deaf ears in this instance because your suggestion of seasickness was associated in his mind with his own immunity from it. Therefore, it called up not fear or worry, but self-confidence.
Autosuggestion may be used to banish various fears and other negative conditions. A young singer was invited to give an audition. She had been looking forward to the interview, but on three previous occasions she had failed miserably due to fear of failure. This young lady had a very good voice, but she had been saying to herself, "When the time comes for me to sing, maybe they won't like me. I will try, but I'm full of fear and anxiety."
Her subconscious mind accepted these negative autosuggestions as a request and proceeded to manifest them and bring them into her experience. The cause was an involuntary autosuggestion, ie., silent fear thoughts emotionalized and subjectified.
She overcame it by the following technique: Three times a day she isolated herself in a room. She sat down comfortably in an armchair, relaxed her body, and closed her eyes. She stilled her mind and body as best she could. Physical inertia favors mental passivity and renders the mind more receptive to suggestion. She counteracted the fear suggestion by saying to herself, "I sing beautifully. I am poised, serene, confident, and calm." She repeated this statement slowly, quietly, and with feeling from five to ten times at each sitting. She had three such "sittings" every day and one immediately prior to sleep. At the end of a week she was completely poised and confident. When the invitation to audition came, she gave a remarkable, wonderful audition.
From infancy on the majority of us have been given many negative suggestions. Not knowing how to thwart them, we unconsciously accepted them. Here are some of the negative suggestions: "You can't." "You'll never amount to anything." "You mustn't.” "You'll fail." "You haven't got a chance." "You're all wrong.” "It’s no use." "It's not what you know, but who you know.” "The world is going to the dogs." "What's the use, nobody cares." "It’s no use trying so hard." "You're too old now." "Things are getting worse and worse." "Life is an endless grind." "Love is for the birds." "You just can't win." "Pretty soon you'll be bankrupt" "Watch out, you'll get the virus." "You can't trust a soul.", etc.
Unless, as an adult, you use constructive autosuggestion, which is a reconditioning therapy, the impressions made on you in the past can cause behavior patterns that cause failure in your personal and social life. Autosuggestion is a means releasing you
from the mass of negative verbal conditioning that might otherwise distort your life pattern, making the development of good habits difficult.
Check regularly on the negative suggestions that people make to you. You do not have to be influenced by destructive heterosuggestion (heterosuggestion defined as suggestions from another person). All of us have suffered from it in our childhood and in our teens. If you look back, you can easily recall how parents, friends, relatives, teachers, and associates contributed in a campaign of negative suggestions. Study the things said to you, and you will discover much of it was in the form of propaganda. The purpose of much of what was said was to control you or instill fear into you.
... Stay tuned for excerpts from the next two chapters ...
I hope, as you read the below bullets, that you find something to hold on to that can be applied to your life today, and make 2010 your year of victory and new life as well.
As a result of my reading so far, I’ve created a short prayerly meditation I will make three times a day (each day), knowing this is the way to realizing all of my goals.
Excerpts from “The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind” - Dr. Joseph Murphy
~ Chapters 1 & 2 - ISBN: 0-13-685925-9 ~
Be sure that you think on whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Your subconscious mind is the builder of your body and can heal you. Lull yourself to sleep every night with the idea of perfect health, and your subconscious, being your faithful servant, will obey you.
Never use the terms, "I can't afford it" or "I can't do this." Your subconscious mind takes you at your word and sees to it that you do not have the money or the ability to do what you want to do. Affirm, "I can do all things through the power of my subconscious mind.”
The law of life is the law of belief. A belief is a thought in your mind. Do not believe in things to harm or hurt you. Believe in the power of your subconscious to heal, inspire, strengthen, and prosper you. According to your belief is it done unto you.
Whatever you claim mentally and feel as true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring forth into your experience.
Your subconscious mind is like the soil which accepts any kind of seed, good or bad. Your thoughts are active and might be likened unto seeds. Negative, destructive thoughts continue to work negatively in your subconscious mind, and in due time will come forth into outer experience which corresponds with them.
Remember, your subconscious mind does not engage in proving whether your thoughts are good or bad, true or false, but it responds according to the nature of your thoughts or suggestions. For example, if you consciously assume something as true, even though it may be false, your subconscious mind will accept it as true and proceed to bring about results which must necessarily follow, because you consciously assumed it to be true.
All things that have happened to you are based on thoughts impressed on your subconscious mind through belief. If you have conveyed erroneous concepts to your subconscious mind, the sure method of overcoming them is by the repetition of constructive, harmonious thoughts frequently repeated which your subconscious mind accepts, thus forming new and healthy habits of thought and life, for your subconscious mind is the seat of habit.
If you have indulged in fear, worry, and other destructive forms of thinking, the remedy is to recognize the omnipotence of your subconscious mind and decree freedom, happiness, and perfect health. Your subconscious mind, being creative and one with your divine source, will proceed to create the freedom and happiness which you have earnestly decreed.
It is true that different people will react in different ways to the same suggestion because of their subconscious conditioning or belief. For example, if you go to a sailor on the ship and say to him sympathetically, "My dear fellow, you're looking very ill. Aren't you feeling sick? You look to me as if you were going to be seasick." According to his temperament he either laughs at your "joke," or expresses a mild irritation. Your suggestion fell on deaf ears in this instance because your suggestion of seasickness was associated in his mind with his own immunity from it. Therefore, it called up not fear or worry, but self-confidence.
Autosuggestion may be used to banish various fears and other negative conditions. A young singer was invited to give an audition. She had been looking forward to the interview, but on three previous occasions she had failed miserably due to fear of failure. This young lady had a very good voice, but she had been saying to herself, "When the time comes for me to sing, maybe they won't like me. I will try, but I'm full of fear and anxiety."
Her subconscious mind accepted these negative autosuggestions as a request and proceeded to manifest them and bring them into her experience. The cause was an involuntary autosuggestion, ie., silent fear thoughts emotionalized and subjectified.
She overcame it by the following technique: Three times a day she isolated herself in a room. She sat down comfortably in an armchair, relaxed her body, and closed her eyes. She stilled her mind and body as best she could. Physical inertia favors mental passivity and renders the mind more receptive to suggestion. She counteracted the fear suggestion by saying to herself, "I sing beautifully. I am poised, serene, confident, and calm." She repeated this statement slowly, quietly, and with feeling from five to ten times at each sitting. She had three such "sittings" every day and one immediately prior to sleep. At the end of a week she was completely poised and confident. When the invitation to audition came, she gave a remarkable, wonderful audition.
From infancy on the majority of us have been given many negative suggestions. Not knowing how to thwart them, we unconsciously accepted them. Here are some of the negative suggestions: "You can't." "You'll never amount to anything." "You mustn't.” "You'll fail." "You haven't got a chance." "You're all wrong.” "It’s no use." "It's not what you know, but who you know.” "The world is going to the dogs." "What's the use, nobody cares." "It’s no use trying so hard." "You're too old now." "Things are getting worse and worse." "Life is an endless grind." "Love is for the birds." "You just can't win." "Pretty soon you'll be bankrupt" "Watch out, you'll get the virus." "You can't trust a soul.", etc.
Unless, as an adult, you use constructive autosuggestion, which is a reconditioning therapy, the impressions made on you in the past can cause behavior patterns that cause failure in your personal and social life. Autosuggestion is a means releasing you
from the mass of negative verbal conditioning that might otherwise distort your life pattern, making the development of good habits difficult.
Check regularly on the negative suggestions that people make to you. You do not have to be influenced by destructive heterosuggestion (heterosuggestion defined as suggestions from another person). All of us have suffered from it in our childhood and in our teens. If you look back, you can easily recall how parents, friends, relatives, teachers, and associates contributed in a campaign of negative suggestions. Study the things said to you, and you will discover much of it was in the form of propaganda. The purpose of much of what was said was to control you or instill fear into you.
... Stay tuned for excerpts from the next two chapters ...
12 December 2009
About Our Passion
Today I came to a conclusion able what it means to be a Man and how there are so many different ways we all think about Male Sexuality. We each have our own way of thinking about where a Man’s sexuality originates. All too often opinions are formed based solely upon what is comfortable to us. More interestingly, we wonder how Men would like our intimate passion expressed in our relationships. Of particular interest to me is that we all embrace thoughts we are comfortable with and then go about unable to acknowledge the value of how others think.
I was considering this while at one of my “places of thought” and decided to step outside my box. I tuned in to the local R&B radio station and decided to find out what I like about much of the music we now listen to.
Keep in mind, I use the words us, we, and our because I regard this, and all other matters I write about, as all part of One Black Nation. Our various views and ideals represent all of the different “parts” of our community that make us who we are. This is a truth we cannot escape. What is in the Mind and Spirit of one of us, is in the Mind and Spirit of all of us.
Back to this matter of passion...
There are two songs I have linked below in this dispatch, please take some time and challenge yourself to listen to them, and allow yourself to imagine the Artists are representing the truth of their perceptions, and doing so with all the passion they can muster. It is the only way they know how to do so.
Once you check them out I’d like you to consider somethings:
What if there was a part of that in all men? What if one of the reasons Men do not share their deepest desires with their Woman is that so many have decided to devalue perspectives they may be uncomfortable with? And, what if we came to a place in how we think that would allow us to enjoy this kind of passionate intimate diversity?
My conclusion: There is a part of everything in all of us; We are all Men and We love our Women.
I was considering this while at one of my “places of thought” and decided to step outside my box. I tuned in to the local R&B radio station and decided to find out what I like about much of the music we now listen to.
Keep in mind, I use the words us, we, and our because I regard this, and all other matters I write about, as all part of One Black Nation. Our various views and ideals represent all of the different “parts” of our community that make us who we are. This is a truth we cannot escape. What is in the Mind and Spirit of one of us, is in the Mind and Spirit of all of us.
Back to this matter of passion...
There are two songs I have linked below in this dispatch, please take some time and challenge yourself to listen to them, and allow yourself to imagine the Artists are representing the truth of their perceptions, and doing so with all the passion they can muster. It is the only way they know how to do so.
Once you check them out I’d like you to consider somethings:
What if there was a part of that in all men? What if one of the reasons Men do not share their deepest desires with their Woman is that so many have decided to devalue perspectives they may be uncomfortable with? And, what if we came to a place in how we think that would allow us to enjoy this kind of passionate intimate diversity?
My conclusion: There is a part of everything in all of us; We are all Men and We love our Women.
30 November 2009
Help for Women of Color
27 October 2009
No. 80 - Anger and the Wind
Maya and I have been together for almost three years now and I’d have to say we’ve faced some challenges and shared some great times together. She is not one to play around too much, nor is she one to mess up things around the house -- getting into things she knows she should not -- because she’s a fairly neat Girl. In all the time we’ve been together I like to think she and I have a special relationship. We have a way of communicating that some might consider unreal or unusual yet, in my humble opinion, it’s real and relevant.
As in all things, we are given opportunities to learn at every corner... we simply have to be willing to look. This is such a story.
This morning at 3:15 a.m. I was awakened by what sounded like Maya attempting to come into our room -- did I mention Maya is my Cat? Maya knows this is not allowed... she and I have had a number of highly impassioned interactions around her ability to open doors that weren’t closed properly to gain access to some of her favorite spots -- particularly the door that leads into my bedroom. Needless to say, I’ve made it clear our room is off limits and she cannot sleep in there without pre-approval from both me and my Queen.
However, there are times when nature calls and Maya knows how to claw and meow her way into our early morning slumber, attempting to get me up so I can let her out to do her business. In her defense, this is not something that happens routinely so I have to acknowledge she is a good Cat. But those times when she has these unexpected needs can ruin a great night of sleep. They can even cause a Man to stay up long afterwards writing about some gem of an insight that was introduced to him because of some interaction or insight gained... hence, this dispatch.
Back to the story...
So at 3:15 a.m. I was awakened by what I thought was Maya at the door needing to go out to relieve herself. As I have historically done when awakened as such, I lay there in groggy consciousness waiting for the confirmatory sign that Maya was at it again. I felt a pang of anger stab at me because that sleep I had enjoyed was quite good and I so needed it. Yet here we are again, after training Maya to go do her business before she comes home from her nightly jaunt, I wake up to her request for my attention. And while I felt a pang of anger, I could only imagine how my Queen might have felt if she had heard the sounds and was awakened.
And there at last came the rattle of the door. There was the confirmatory experience that justified my pang of anger -- that was now a growing sense of agitation. In my mind I was arguing with Maya that she knew better than this... she had been doing so well, WHY! would she falter now? One can only imagine the pictures that popped into my mind of how Maya was gonna get it for waking me out of my much needed and thoroughly enjoyable slumber.
I got up and staggered to the door, unwilling to release the comforting call of the sleep that was still within my grasp. I stumbled over a pillow that lay discarded on the floor, unable to recall that I was responsible for putting it there. I paused before I opened the door, knowing full well that Maya would make a mad dash to some hidden place in response to her violation of our agreement. I imagined having to coax her out of this hiding place and taking her to the back door, all the while with her attempting to explain her position (yeah, even though it’s not scientific or even proven, I believe Maya and I do have a form of communication). In truth, this was not something I looked forward to... after all, Maya is more then a pet to me, she is part of my fond memories and my family so scolding her in the wee hours of the morning has a certain distaste to it.
I opened the door and expected to see her silhouette dashing off to some secret place, the moonlight glimmering off her fur. No Maya. I saw not even a fleeting glimpse of her secreting herself away. Had she gotten that fast?
So I decided I should take advantage of the moment and well, go relieve myself. My head still foggy from the sleep, I entered into the bathroom and lo and behold Maya was “chilaxing” by the tub. She gave me a short unexcited meow that I interpreted to mean:”Why you waking me from my sleep?” The nerve of that Cat...
It was then that I understood I was wrong in my initial assessment of the situation and that Maya had not broken protocol by waking me up in the dead of night. Maya had not reverted back to her days of adolescent ignorance where she would selfishly get in my face and lay a sharply clawed paw on my slumbering chin. She had not back slid to the times in her life -- our lives -- when she expected me to spend time keeping her company simply because she was afraid or wanted to explore some undiscovered place that seemed of interest to her.
I looked down at her and she was looking up at me. I got the impression she was saying: “Dude, hurry up, you messing with my beauty sleep!” Her second meow verified this... it had a bit of an impatient tone to it. I reached down to scratch her head as I fondly do so often and she was not having it...
My finger met a raised paw. I had the impression if she had a knife it would be in her hand -- er, paw. (Okay, so I have a seriously creative imagination)!
So I wobbled out of the bathroom and back into bed. No sooner had I rested my head on my pillow did I hear the sound again. Now I’m thinking “What the..?... Maya had better not be playing with me!” Again I felt that pang of anger... I needed my sleep... I wanted my sleep...
I got up, this time determined to catch the culprit. I would stand by the door for as long as it took to determine where the ruckus was coming from and put an end to it. It took no more than 20 seconds for the perpetrator to make itself known. The next time the door creaked I noticed the curtain had moved just prior to the sound. Yup, that was it... the wind was blowing through our open windows and because of the vacuum was causing the door to sound like Maya was attempting to get our attention. I had gotten mad at Maya thinking she was behind this when in fact she had absolutely nothing to do with the Wind or the door.
This realization was both comforting and revealing. It was very good to know Maya was doing well and sticking to her end of our bargain, and that was a great comfort to me. It was revealing because the experience caused me to see how my assumptions (thoughts) lead to emotions that I should not have allowed to determine how I thought about the situation. I have come to appreciate the fact we should not assume anything when other lives are concerned but should go forward in faith, seeking knowledge, and knowing they are innocent -- or there is a good reason for their behavior, at the very least.
It quickly became apparent to me that my anger was at the Wind, not my beloved Cat. And what is the value in, or what can ever be gained from, being angry something as natural and uncontrollable as the Wind? What about other things we get upset about? I wonder how many of the things we become angry with have their origins in the Wind, are controlled by the Wind, or should be regarded as the Wind...
Is our view of life frustrated because of attempts to mix Anger and the Wind?
So here I am over an hour later, compelled to create this dispatch and the irony of the moment -- the proof that I have learned -- is that Maya came into the kitchen and jumped into my lap where she is now fast asleep.
Once again she and I have created a memory that will not be soon forgotten, and once again I thank God for her existence in my life. Little did I know so many years back this dedicated Cat, my furry family member, would help me to see so much of (and so clearly, at that) how I view the world in which I live.
As Maya would put it: “Meow”.
As in all things, we are given opportunities to learn at every corner... we simply have to be willing to look. This is such a story.
This morning at 3:15 a.m. I was awakened by what sounded like Maya attempting to come into our room -- did I mention Maya is my Cat? Maya knows this is not allowed... she and I have had a number of highly impassioned interactions around her ability to open doors that weren’t closed properly to gain access to some of her favorite spots -- particularly the door that leads into my bedroom. Needless to say, I’ve made it clear our room is off limits and she cannot sleep in there without pre-approval from both me and my Queen.
However, there are times when nature calls and Maya knows how to claw and meow her way into our early morning slumber, attempting to get me up so I can let her out to do her business. In her defense, this is not something that happens routinely so I have to acknowledge she is a good Cat. But those times when she has these unexpected needs can ruin a great night of sleep. They can even cause a Man to stay up long afterwards writing about some gem of an insight that was introduced to him because of some interaction or insight gained... hence, this dispatch.
Back to the story...
So at 3:15 a.m. I was awakened by what I thought was Maya at the door needing to go out to relieve herself. As I have historically done when awakened as such, I lay there in groggy consciousness waiting for the confirmatory sign that Maya was at it again. I felt a pang of anger stab at me because that sleep I had enjoyed was quite good and I so needed it. Yet here we are again, after training Maya to go do her business before she comes home from her nightly jaunt, I wake up to her request for my attention. And while I felt a pang of anger, I could only imagine how my Queen might have felt if she had heard the sounds and was awakened.
And there at last came the rattle of the door. There was the confirmatory experience that justified my pang of anger -- that was now a growing sense of agitation. In my mind I was arguing with Maya that she knew better than this... she had been doing so well, WHY! would she falter now? One can only imagine the pictures that popped into my mind of how Maya was gonna get it for waking me out of my much needed and thoroughly enjoyable slumber.
I got up and staggered to the door, unwilling to release the comforting call of the sleep that was still within my grasp. I stumbled over a pillow that lay discarded on the floor, unable to recall that I was responsible for putting it there. I paused before I opened the door, knowing full well that Maya would make a mad dash to some hidden place in response to her violation of our agreement. I imagined having to coax her out of this hiding place and taking her to the back door, all the while with her attempting to explain her position (yeah, even though it’s not scientific or even proven, I believe Maya and I do have a form of communication). In truth, this was not something I looked forward to... after all, Maya is more then a pet to me, she is part of my fond memories and my family so scolding her in the wee hours of the morning has a certain distaste to it.
I opened the door and expected to see her silhouette dashing off to some secret place, the moonlight glimmering off her fur. No Maya. I saw not even a fleeting glimpse of her secreting herself away. Had she gotten that fast?
So I decided I should take advantage of the moment and well, go relieve myself. My head still foggy from the sleep, I entered into the bathroom and lo and behold Maya was “chilaxing” by the tub. She gave me a short unexcited meow that I interpreted to mean:”Why you waking me from my sleep?” The nerve of that Cat...
It was then that I understood I was wrong in my initial assessment of the situation and that Maya had not broken protocol by waking me up in the dead of night. Maya had not reverted back to her days of adolescent ignorance where she would selfishly get in my face and lay a sharply clawed paw on my slumbering chin. She had not back slid to the times in her life -- our lives -- when she expected me to spend time keeping her company simply because she was afraid or wanted to explore some undiscovered place that seemed of interest to her.
I looked down at her and she was looking up at me. I got the impression she was saying: “Dude, hurry up, you messing with my beauty sleep!” Her second meow verified this... it had a bit of an impatient tone to it. I reached down to scratch her head as I fondly do so often and she was not having it...
My finger met a raised paw. I had the impression if she had a knife it would be in her hand -- er, paw. (Okay, so I have a seriously creative imagination)!
So I wobbled out of the bathroom and back into bed. No sooner had I rested my head on my pillow did I hear the sound again. Now I’m thinking “What the..?... Maya had better not be playing with me!” Again I felt that pang of anger... I needed my sleep... I wanted my sleep...
I got up, this time determined to catch the culprit. I would stand by the door for as long as it took to determine where the ruckus was coming from and put an end to it. It took no more than 20 seconds for the perpetrator to make itself known. The next time the door creaked I noticed the curtain had moved just prior to the sound. Yup, that was it... the wind was blowing through our open windows and because of the vacuum was causing the door to sound like Maya was attempting to get our attention. I had gotten mad at Maya thinking she was behind this when in fact she had absolutely nothing to do with the Wind or the door.
This realization was both comforting and revealing. It was very good to know Maya was doing well and sticking to her end of our bargain, and that was a great comfort to me. It was revealing because the experience caused me to see how my assumptions (thoughts) lead to emotions that I should not have allowed to determine how I thought about the situation. I have come to appreciate the fact we should not assume anything when other lives are concerned but should go forward in faith, seeking knowledge, and knowing they are innocent -- or there is a good reason for their behavior, at the very least.
It quickly became apparent to me that my anger was at the Wind, not my beloved Cat. And what is the value in, or what can ever be gained from, being angry something as natural and uncontrollable as the Wind? What about other things we get upset about? I wonder how many of the things we become angry with have their origins in the Wind, are controlled by the Wind, or should be regarded as the Wind...
Is our view of life frustrated because of attempts to mix Anger and the Wind?
So here I am over an hour later, compelled to create this dispatch and the irony of the moment -- the proof that I have learned -- is that Maya came into the kitchen and jumped into my lap where she is now fast asleep.
Once again she and I have created a memory that will not be soon forgotten, and once again I thank God for her existence in my life. Little did I know so many years back this dedicated Cat, my furry family member, would help me to see so much of (and so clearly, at that) how I view the world in which I live.
As Maya would put it: “Meow”.
No. 79 - Truth or Consequences
What the demise of the dollar means for you.
October 13, 12:34 PMColumbia Conservative ExaminerAnthony G. Martin.
For several months you have read the warnings issued by economists and columnists, including this writer, concerning the devaluing of the dollar and its ultimate demise. But what, exactly, does this mean for you, the citizen?
It would be too easy for readers to dismiss such talk as the musings of those who get their jollies from engaging in economic lingo, while missing the enormous consequences that the demise of the dollar will have on our everyday lives.
We are speaking here of a cataclysmic, seismological blow to our way of life as Americans.
One of the primary reasons Americans enjoy an affluent way of life when compared to much of the rest of the world is the primacy of the dollar as a world currency. Oil, for example, is bought and sold using the dollar. Thus, dollars are being pumped into various economies around the world for one reason alone--it is in great demand. This helps the American consumer by keeping the value of our currency up, keeping inflation down, and keeping our goods and services affordable to the masses.
But what happens when the dollar is devalued? Or worse still, what happens when global entities, such as the oil barons, stop using the dollar as their currency?
Here is where you and I come into the picture.
We are going to see a major change in our way of life. What does this mean for you? Here it is in as simple of terms as I can possibly make it:
1. Inflation will skyrocket. If you are in the market for new clothing, expect the price for common, ordinary garments to quadruple overnight. Food, even the basic staples, will become so expensive that the largest percentage of what we spend out of our paychecks will be used just to stay alive. The poorest among us will have trouble merely surviving.
2. Paper money will be basically worthless. That means those dollars we use to purchase goods and services will have absolutely no real value any longer. The dollar, at that point, will have been so thoroughly devalued that it will be worth only the paper its printed on. Unless you have invested heavily in gold and other precious medals, you will be in big trouble.
3. Gold and precious medals, which have intrinsic value of their own, will become vastly important. At present, the price of gold has skyrocketed to over $1000 per ounce. This means that a gold coin that at one time carried a value of $20 will now be worth over $1000. Those who have bought these gold coins and bricks as a hedge against inflation will be in a good position to weather the coming storm. Those who have not will be at the mercy of the coming economic storm where goods and services will quadruple in costs and where their paper money will be basically worthless.
4. Starvation will become common. Homelessness will overwhelm American society. Businesses will go under. Joblessness will sweep over the nation, setting us on a course to either match or outmatch the unemployment numbers of the Great Depression.
Barack Obama has hastened the demise of the dollar with his economic policy. The course he has charted through the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury has sent the value of the dollar plummeting faster than a millstone dropped into a pond. The oil barons overseas, sensing that the dollar is quickly becoming irrelevant, are talking seriously about dropping the dollar as the standard currency on the world market.
And what is Obama's response? Fine and dandy. His underlings at Treasury have been known to quietly support this shift away from the primacy of the dollar. What this means, my friends, is that Obama and company are supporting measures that will break you financially when the economic consequences of the demise of the dollar finally hit home.
But lest anyone think that I am so naive as to blame this entirely on Obama, let's remember that these policies were also followed by George W. Bush. The only difference is that Obama has accelerated the process, thus hastening the day when it all hits the fan.
The bottom line? There is no one in Washington minding the store and looking out for our interests. Instead what we have in Washington is an elected group of self-described 'ruling elites' who are looking out for interests other than that of the American people. George Soros, the world banks, the International Monetary Fund, and forces at the U.N. are to be appeased above that of the good of the citizens.
Unless concerned Americans unite--Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, etc., to demand that the present government immediately cease and desist from its assault on American exceptionalism, then not only do we face the loss of this free Republic but the descent into economic chaos that will make the 1930s pale in comparison.
We absolutely MUST change the makeup of Congress in 2010, from top to bottom. But in the meantime, unless we take to the streets screaming bloody murder, the charlatans in Washington may well destroy the country before we get a chance to vote in November of 2010.
For an excellent explanation of these concepts, including background and history, consult economist Walter E. Williams' article entitled, Inflation and Deficits below.
Inflation and Deficits
With the massive increases in federal spending, inflation is one of the risks that awaits us. To protect us from the political demagoguery that will accompany that inflation, let's now decide what is and what is not inflation. One price or several prices rising is not inflation. Increases in money supply are what constitute inflation, and a general rise in prices is the symptom. As the late Nobel Laureate Professor Milton Friedman said, "(I)nflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, in the sense that it cannot occur without a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output."
Thinking of inflation as rising prices permits politicians to deceive us and escape culpability. They shift the blame saying that inflation is caused by greedy businessmen, rapacious unions or Arab sheiks. Instead, it is increases in the money supply that cause inflation, and who is in charge of the money supply? It's the government operating through the Federal Reserve Bank and the U.S. Treasury.
Our nation has avoided the devastating hyperinflations that have plagued other nations. The world's highest inflation rate was in Hungary after World War II, where prices doubled every 15 hours. The world's second highest inflation rate is today's Zimbabwe, where last year prices doubled every 25 hours, a rate of 89 sextillion percent. That's 89 followed by 23 zeros. Our highest rate of inflation occurred during the Revolutionary War, when the Continental Congress churned out paper Continentals to pay bills. The monthly inflation rate reached a peak of 47 percent in November 1779. This painful experience with inflation, and collapse of the Continental dollar, is what prompted the delegates to the Constitutional Convention to include the gold and silver clause into the United States Constitution so that the individual states could not issue bills of credit. The U.S. Constitution's Article I, Section 8 permits Congress: "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures."
The founders of our nation feared paper currency because it gave government the means to steal from its citizens. When inflation is unanticipated, as it so often is, there's a redistribution of wealth from creditors to debtors. If you lend me $100, and over the term of the loan prices double, I pay you back with dollars worth only half of the purchasing power they had when I borrowed the money. Since inflation redistributes (steals) wealth from creditors to debtors, we can identify inflation's primary beneficiary by asking: Who is the nation's largest debtor? If you said, "It's the U.S. government," go to the head of the class.
Inflation is just one effect of massive increases in spending. Some might argue that future generations of Americans will pay for today's massive budget deficits. But is there really a federal budget deficit? The short answer is yes, but only in an accounting sense -- but not in any meaningful economic sense. Let's look at it. Our GDP this year will be about $14 trillion. If 2009 federal expenditures are $3.9 trillion and tax receipts are $2.1 trillion, that means there is an accounting deficit of $1.8 trillion. Is it the Tooth Fairy, Santa or the Easter Bunny who makes up the difference between expenditures and revenue? Is it a youngster who is born in 2020 or 2030 who makes up the difference? No. If government spends $3.9 trillion of our $14 trillion GDP this year, of necessity it has to force us to spend privately $3.9 trillion less this year. One method to force us to spend less privately is through taxation. Another way is to enter the bond market and drive up the interest rates, which put a squeeze on private investment in homes and businesses. Then there is inflation, which is a sneaky form of taxation.
Profligate spending burdens future generations by making them recipients of a smaller amount of capital and hence less wealth.
Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. To find out more about Walter E. Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at
October 13, 12:34 PMColumbia Conservative ExaminerAnthony G. Martin.
For several months you have read the warnings issued by economists and columnists, including this writer, concerning the devaluing of the dollar and its ultimate demise. But what, exactly, does this mean for you, the citizen?
It would be too easy for readers to dismiss such talk as the musings of those who get their jollies from engaging in economic lingo, while missing the enormous consequences that the demise of the dollar will have on our everyday lives.
We are speaking here of a cataclysmic, seismological blow to our way of life as Americans.
One of the primary reasons Americans enjoy an affluent way of life when compared to much of the rest of the world is the primacy of the dollar as a world currency. Oil, for example, is bought and sold using the dollar. Thus, dollars are being pumped into various economies around the world for one reason alone--it is in great demand. This helps the American consumer by keeping the value of our currency up, keeping inflation down, and keeping our goods and services affordable to the masses.
But what happens when the dollar is devalued? Or worse still, what happens when global entities, such as the oil barons, stop using the dollar as their currency?
Here is where you and I come into the picture.
We are going to see a major change in our way of life. What does this mean for you? Here it is in as simple of terms as I can possibly make it:
1. Inflation will skyrocket. If you are in the market for new clothing, expect the price for common, ordinary garments to quadruple overnight. Food, even the basic staples, will become so expensive that the largest percentage of what we spend out of our paychecks will be used just to stay alive. The poorest among us will have trouble merely surviving.
2. Paper money will be basically worthless. That means those dollars we use to purchase goods and services will have absolutely no real value any longer. The dollar, at that point, will have been so thoroughly devalued that it will be worth only the paper its printed on. Unless you have invested heavily in gold and other precious medals, you will be in big trouble.
3. Gold and precious medals, which have intrinsic value of their own, will become vastly important. At present, the price of gold has skyrocketed to over $1000 per ounce. This means that a gold coin that at one time carried a value of $20 will now be worth over $1000. Those who have bought these gold coins and bricks as a hedge against inflation will be in a good position to weather the coming storm. Those who have not will be at the mercy of the coming economic storm where goods and services will quadruple in costs and where their paper money will be basically worthless.
4. Starvation will become common. Homelessness will overwhelm American society. Businesses will go under. Joblessness will sweep over the nation, setting us on a course to either match or outmatch the unemployment numbers of the Great Depression.
Barack Obama has hastened the demise of the dollar with his economic policy. The course he has charted through the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury has sent the value of the dollar plummeting faster than a millstone dropped into a pond. The oil barons overseas, sensing that the dollar is quickly becoming irrelevant, are talking seriously about dropping the dollar as the standard currency on the world market.
And what is Obama's response? Fine and dandy. His underlings at Treasury have been known to quietly support this shift away from the primacy of the dollar. What this means, my friends, is that Obama and company are supporting measures that will break you financially when the economic consequences of the demise of the dollar finally hit home.
But lest anyone think that I am so naive as to blame this entirely on Obama, let's remember that these policies were also followed by George W. Bush. The only difference is that Obama has accelerated the process, thus hastening the day when it all hits the fan.
The bottom line? There is no one in Washington minding the store and looking out for our interests. Instead what we have in Washington is an elected group of self-described 'ruling elites' who are looking out for interests other than that of the American people. George Soros, the world banks, the International Monetary Fund, and forces at the U.N. are to be appeased above that of the good of the citizens.
Unless concerned Americans unite--Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, etc., to demand that the present government immediately cease and desist from its assault on American exceptionalism, then not only do we face the loss of this free Republic but the descent into economic chaos that will make the 1930s pale in comparison.
We absolutely MUST change the makeup of Congress in 2010, from top to bottom. But in the meantime, unless we take to the streets screaming bloody murder, the charlatans in Washington may well destroy the country before we get a chance to vote in November of 2010.
For an excellent explanation of these concepts, including background and history, consult economist Walter E. Williams' article entitled, Inflation and Deficits below.
Inflation and Deficits
With the massive increases in federal spending, inflation is one of the risks that awaits us. To protect us from the political demagoguery that will accompany that inflation, let's now decide what is and what is not inflation. One price or several prices rising is not inflation. Increases in money supply are what constitute inflation, and a general rise in prices is the symptom. As the late Nobel Laureate Professor Milton Friedman said, "(I)nflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, in the sense that it cannot occur without a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output."
Thinking of inflation as rising prices permits politicians to deceive us and escape culpability. They shift the blame saying that inflation is caused by greedy businessmen, rapacious unions or Arab sheiks. Instead, it is increases in the money supply that cause inflation, and who is in charge of the money supply? It's the government operating through the Federal Reserve Bank and the U.S. Treasury.
Our nation has avoided the devastating hyperinflations that have plagued other nations. The world's highest inflation rate was in Hungary after World War II, where prices doubled every 15 hours. The world's second highest inflation rate is today's Zimbabwe, where last year prices doubled every 25 hours, a rate of 89 sextillion percent. That's 89 followed by 23 zeros. Our highest rate of inflation occurred during the Revolutionary War, when the Continental Congress churned out paper Continentals to pay bills. The monthly inflation rate reached a peak of 47 percent in November 1779. This painful experience with inflation, and collapse of the Continental dollar, is what prompted the delegates to the Constitutional Convention to include the gold and silver clause into the United States Constitution so that the individual states could not issue bills of credit. The U.S. Constitution's Article I, Section 8 permits Congress: "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures."
The founders of our nation feared paper currency because it gave government the means to steal from its citizens. When inflation is unanticipated, as it so often is, there's a redistribution of wealth from creditors to debtors. If you lend me $100, and over the term of the loan prices double, I pay you back with dollars worth only half of the purchasing power they had when I borrowed the money. Since inflation redistributes (steals) wealth from creditors to debtors, we can identify inflation's primary beneficiary by asking: Who is the nation's largest debtor? If you said, "It's the U.S. government," go to the head of the class.
Inflation is just one effect of massive increases in spending. Some might argue that future generations of Americans will pay for today's massive budget deficits. But is there really a federal budget deficit? The short answer is yes, but only in an accounting sense -- but not in any meaningful economic sense. Let's look at it. Our GDP this year will be about $14 trillion. If 2009 federal expenditures are $3.9 trillion and tax receipts are $2.1 trillion, that means there is an accounting deficit of $1.8 trillion. Is it the Tooth Fairy, Santa or the Easter Bunny who makes up the difference between expenditures and revenue? Is it a youngster who is born in 2020 or 2030 who makes up the difference? No. If government spends $3.9 trillion of our $14 trillion GDP this year, of necessity it has to force us to spend privately $3.9 trillion less this year. One method to force us to spend less privately is through taxation. Another way is to enter the bond market and drive up the interest rates, which put a squeeze on private investment in homes and businesses. Then there is inflation, which is a sneaky form of taxation.
Profligate spending burdens future generations by making them recipients of a smaller amount of capital and hence less wealth.
Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. To find out more about Walter E. Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at
07 October 2009
No. 78 - Confidentially Speaking
My last dispatch created quite a response, I’m happy to say. There was one that stood out in a very big way because of how it was presented and how it was connected to No. 77 - Reminded. Below is an excerpt of some of what was sent; a conversation between a man and his therapist about a relationship that is on the line. The names have been changed to protect the privacy of all involved.
Mike: So you’re saying I have to sacrifice what’s important to me simply because my wife is unwilling to accept it?
Sheryl: No, not at all. What I’m saying is you have to understand that each person experiences the world differently from the next. Since that’s the case it’s in your interest to communicate your needs to her so she can understand how important they are.
Mike: I’ve tried that... a hundred times... she keeps coming back to she sees things her way, I see things mine, and that’s as far as she’s willing to take it.
Sheryl: Really?
Mike: Really... and when I press the issue she gets mad.
Sheryl: ...And how do you feel about that?
Mike: I feel angry. I feel helpless. I feel irritated that we don’t have the ability to address these concerns in a way that would help us to move forward.
Sheryl: What is your role in all this?
Mike: Excuse me?
Sheryl: Your role... your responsibility... what part do you play in all this?
Mike: Are you suggesting I caused this?
Sheryl: I’m just asking...
Mike: I suppose I could say I’ve let things get the best of me. I’ve allowed her position to push me away... put me into my own world. But I don’t know how true that really is.
Sheryl: Please elaborate...
Mike: As I see things, when we got started everything was great. We were both down for each other, enjoyed one anothers company, couldn’t wait to be with each other. Then it seems one day everything changed.
Sheryl: What day would that be?
Mike: Well, maybe not one day.. maybe it was a gradual thing... yes, that seems more like it.
Sheryl: So things gradually changed and now you have no interest in her sexually?
Mike: On the contrary, I’m raging inside to be intimate with her, I just have learned not to show it... seems like when I have, for the most part, it’s been the wrong time.
Sheryl: How do you feel about that?
Mike: Again, frustrated, irritated... I hate it, to be honest. What man feels good about not being able to be close sexually with his wife -- the woman he loves and cares about?
Sheryl: That’s a good question, let’s focus on you, your experience. Do you think this is what is causing you to want to have an affair?
Mike: No, not really.
Sheryl: Do elaborate.
Mike: It’s like this. That part of me that I value so much and need to share with my wife is continually minimized or ignored. Either she doesn’t feel like it, she’s angry, or she rather be on the phone with one of her girlfriends. Regardless, I’m not getting what I need from her.
Sheryl: Go on.
Mike: It puts me in a space where my desire to share that part of me gets “frustrated”...
Sheryl: I’m not sure I follow that... what do you mean by your last statement?
Mike: Trust me, it can be confusing and complicated for me too. What I mean is as a human being -- irrespective of my desire to have this experience with my wife -- my desire to be intimate seems to be screaming for attention, nurturing, acknowledgement and appreciation... it’s getting to the point where I’ll take it from almost anybody.
Sheryl: Oh, I see. Your need to express this desire, and have this need met, becomes greater when it goes unment, is that what you mean?
Mike: Yes, that’s it.
Sheryl: Where does that leave you?
Mike: Where I am today. I love her, I care about her, I want our relationship to survive. All these things are valuable to me. But even so, I will not allow my needs to go unmet because she doesn’t have time for me or because she doesn’t value them in a way that will help our relationship.
Sheryl: You sound angry.
Mike: I am angry.
Sheryl: Is there not some reason to think your view of this is anchored in or by your anger?
Mike: Once upon a time I thought so. The truth of the matter is -- at least as far as all the guys I know are concerned -- we are all tempted by other women from time-to-time. So even though it may not seem right or fair, my thinking is sooner or later someone's gonna come along when I’m at a low point and then the rest is gonna be history. It bothers me that I think this way but it is the truth.
Sheryl: And you’re comfortable with that?
Mike: No, but what other choice do I have? I can’t make her value what’s important to me. I can’t make her understand her behaviors are really setting things up to fail, can I?
Sheryl: Mike, I think you know the answer to those questions. We are all in charge of only ourselves and can only change ourselves.
Mike: So you agree with what I’m saying?
Sheryl: I’m not here to agree or disagree... I’m here to help you filter things so the solutions to your challenges can be clearer.
Mike: Understood.
Sheryl: What do you think causes her to react the way she does?
Mike: I wish I knew.
Sheryl: The question was: What do you “think”, now what do you know.
Mike: Right. I hear you. Well, I think she’s just taking us for granted. I think she’s allowed her own anger to come into our relationship and it’s destroying what we once had.
Sheryl: Okay. Now, back to a question I asked earlier... You mentioned your anger, now you’re talking about her anger. It seems to me anger is a common denominator in your relationship, and it’s wreaking havoc on what had once been a very rewarding relationship. How does that sound to you?
Mike: Safe. Honest.
Sheryl: But is any of it ringing true for you? Listen, anger is one of the most destructive emotions we allow into our lives. I can site study after study on the subject but the point is we allow anger to come into our lives in so many diverse, and even perverse, ways. We allow it to distort our sense of reality, compromise our sanity, and dissipate our happiness into nothingness. Then we go around pouting and pointing the finger.
Mike: That may be true but I didn’t start this.
Sheryl: I’m not suggesting that you did. In fact, it doesn’t matter who started things or even how things got started. What matters is that you both have to come to the understanding that you cannot survive when there is anger so prevalent in your relationship. At the very least, you need to understand this.
Mike: You think I like feeling the way I do? I really don’t.
Sheryl: Then do something about it.
Mike: What else can I do?
Sheryl: Well, you can start by eliminating the anger from your life... that’s what you can control. Hopefully by doing that, and continuing to converse with your wife about your needs things will heal and you will be able to enjoy those happy memories in a real way again.
Mike: So that’s it, that’s all you can offer?
Sheryl: It’s better than the alternative... you can either do your part to remove anger out of your life to give yourself a chance at having the Love, intimacy and fulfillment you want in you life, or you can stay angry and guarantee a life of heartache, misery, and discontent. Your choice.
“Mike” sent me this excerpt and commented that he is thinking more about his own anger and the impact it has on his relationship. He is focusing more on his role in the relationship to find positive ways to communicate his needs to his wife. No. 77 provided him with a goal to reach, and yes, with his wife.
There are no assurances that she will do the same, but I hope she decides to see things differently and allow their love to blossom. There are no magic charms that cause a person who chooses to dwell in anger to change their perspective and learn to release emotions that diminish the happiness in their lives.
It all comes down to what we each choose to value in our lives, and what we choose to do to demonstrate that value. We can hold fast onto ideals, perspectives, and/or emotions that damn us to unfulfilling and unhappy lives, or we can release our psychological barriers and emotional burdens with the full knowledge that this is the only way to truly embrace our happiness.
As the good Doctor said in so many words: Our choice.
Mike: So you’re saying I have to sacrifice what’s important to me simply because my wife is unwilling to accept it?
Sheryl: No, not at all. What I’m saying is you have to understand that each person experiences the world differently from the next. Since that’s the case it’s in your interest to communicate your needs to her so she can understand how important they are.
Mike: I’ve tried that... a hundred times... she keeps coming back to she sees things her way, I see things mine, and that’s as far as she’s willing to take it.
Sheryl: Really?
Mike: Really... and when I press the issue she gets mad.
Sheryl: ...And how do you feel about that?
Mike: I feel angry. I feel helpless. I feel irritated that we don’t have the ability to address these concerns in a way that would help us to move forward.
Sheryl: What is your role in all this?
Mike: Excuse me?
Sheryl: Your role... your responsibility... what part do you play in all this?
Mike: Are you suggesting I caused this?
Sheryl: I’m just asking...
Mike: I suppose I could say I’ve let things get the best of me. I’ve allowed her position to push me away... put me into my own world. But I don’t know how true that really is.
Sheryl: Please elaborate...
Mike: As I see things, when we got started everything was great. We were both down for each other, enjoyed one anothers company, couldn’t wait to be with each other. Then it seems one day everything changed.
Sheryl: What day would that be?
Mike: Well, maybe not one day.. maybe it was a gradual thing... yes, that seems more like it.
Sheryl: So things gradually changed and now you have no interest in her sexually?
Mike: On the contrary, I’m raging inside to be intimate with her, I just have learned not to show it... seems like when I have, for the most part, it’s been the wrong time.
Sheryl: How do you feel about that?
Mike: Again, frustrated, irritated... I hate it, to be honest. What man feels good about not being able to be close sexually with his wife -- the woman he loves and cares about?
Sheryl: That’s a good question, let’s focus on you, your experience. Do you think this is what is causing you to want to have an affair?
Mike: No, not really.
Sheryl: Do elaborate.
Mike: It’s like this. That part of me that I value so much and need to share with my wife is continually minimized or ignored. Either she doesn’t feel like it, she’s angry, or she rather be on the phone with one of her girlfriends. Regardless, I’m not getting what I need from her.
Sheryl: Go on.
Mike: It puts me in a space where my desire to share that part of me gets “frustrated”...
Sheryl: I’m not sure I follow that... what do you mean by your last statement?
Mike: Trust me, it can be confusing and complicated for me too. What I mean is as a human being -- irrespective of my desire to have this experience with my wife -- my desire to be intimate seems to be screaming for attention, nurturing, acknowledgement and appreciation... it’s getting to the point where I’ll take it from almost anybody.
Sheryl: Oh, I see. Your need to express this desire, and have this need met, becomes greater when it goes unment, is that what you mean?
Mike: Yes, that’s it.
Sheryl: Where does that leave you?
Mike: Where I am today. I love her, I care about her, I want our relationship to survive. All these things are valuable to me. But even so, I will not allow my needs to go unmet because she doesn’t have time for me or because she doesn’t value them in a way that will help our relationship.
Sheryl: You sound angry.
Mike: I am angry.
Sheryl: Is there not some reason to think your view of this is anchored in or by your anger?
Mike: Once upon a time I thought so. The truth of the matter is -- at least as far as all the guys I know are concerned -- we are all tempted by other women from time-to-time. So even though it may not seem right or fair, my thinking is sooner or later someone's gonna come along when I’m at a low point and then the rest is gonna be history. It bothers me that I think this way but it is the truth.
Sheryl: And you’re comfortable with that?
Mike: No, but what other choice do I have? I can’t make her value what’s important to me. I can’t make her understand her behaviors are really setting things up to fail, can I?
Sheryl: Mike, I think you know the answer to those questions. We are all in charge of only ourselves and can only change ourselves.
Mike: So you agree with what I’m saying?
Sheryl: I’m not here to agree or disagree... I’m here to help you filter things so the solutions to your challenges can be clearer.
Mike: Understood.
Sheryl: What do you think causes her to react the way she does?
Mike: I wish I knew.
Sheryl: The question was: What do you “think”, now what do you know.
Mike: Right. I hear you. Well, I think she’s just taking us for granted. I think she’s allowed her own anger to come into our relationship and it’s destroying what we once had.
Sheryl: Okay. Now, back to a question I asked earlier... You mentioned your anger, now you’re talking about her anger. It seems to me anger is a common denominator in your relationship, and it’s wreaking havoc on what had once been a very rewarding relationship. How does that sound to you?
Mike: Safe. Honest.
Sheryl: But is any of it ringing true for you? Listen, anger is one of the most destructive emotions we allow into our lives. I can site study after study on the subject but the point is we allow anger to come into our lives in so many diverse, and even perverse, ways. We allow it to distort our sense of reality, compromise our sanity, and dissipate our happiness into nothingness. Then we go around pouting and pointing the finger.
Mike: That may be true but I didn’t start this.
Sheryl: I’m not suggesting that you did. In fact, it doesn’t matter who started things or even how things got started. What matters is that you both have to come to the understanding that you cannot survive when there is anger so prevalent in your relationship. At the very least, you need to understand this.
Mike: You think I like feeling the way I do? I really don’t.
Sheryl: Then do something about it.
Mike: What else can I do?
Sheryl: Well, you can start by eliminating the anger from your life... that’s what you can control. Hopefully by doing that, and continuing to converse with your wife about your needs things will heal and you will be able to enjoy those happy memories in a real way again.
Mike: So that’s it, that’s all you can offer?
Sheryl: It’s better than the alternative... you can either do your part to remove anger out of your life to give yourself a chance at having the Love, intimacy and fulfillment you want in you life, or you can stay angry and guarantee a life of heartache, misery, and discontent. Your choice.
“Mike” sent me this excerpt and commented that he is thinking more about his own anger and the impact it has on his relationship. He is focusing more on his role in the relationship to find positive ways to communicate his needs to his wife. No. 77 provided him with a goal to reach, and yes, with his wife.
There are no assurances that she will do the same, but I hope she decides to see things differently and allow their love to blossom. There are no magic charms that cause a person who chooses to dwell in anger to change their perspective and learn to release emotions that diminish the happiness in their lives.
It all comes down to what we each choose to value in our lives, and what we choose to do to demonstrate that value. We can hold fast onto ideals, perspectives, and/or emotions that damn us to unfulfilling and unhappy lives, or we can release our psychological barriers and emotional burdens with the full knowledge that this is the only way to truly embrace our happiness.
As the good Doctor said in so many words: Our choice.
03 October 2009
No. 77 - Reminded
He comes into the room after a long day of labor to find her ready for bed, clothed in a succulent purple two-piece, her soft smile awaiting his glimpse. She asks how his day went and the two share small talk as he prepares for his shower. She tells him she has something to discuss with him upon his return; he wonders what it might be this time even as he knows they will handle things.
He returns somewhat refreshed and takes his place on the bed. Their custom is to close the door of their home sanctuary when having these important discussions because they both understand the value of undivided attention. She pulls a folded paper from some hidden pocket and opens it.
“These are the things we should discuss,” she says, and as he listens to her reciting the list, he realizes she had heard all the many things he had said to her for so many years. His moment of recognition brings a thrill of ecstatic energy that triggers some chromosomal connector, causing his mind to wonder...
She must have known this for she suddenly asks: “Do you think my calves are too thick?” He runs his eyes along the sensuous curves of her calf, taking in the full color and radiance that seem to call out to him. He finds his tongue thickening. “Ur, nothing wrong with your calves, Sweetheart.” He stutters, hoping not to sound too obvious.
The conversation soon ends and she asks if he would take an item to the kitchen. He does.
When he returns he finds the lights are out. He surveys the room and sees the moonlight dipping quietly across the silhouette of his beloved. The street noise that had just recently sounded so intrusive is now a thing of the past. A CD plays softly in the background and he notices the scent of a sweet lavender incense burning oh so quietly in some distant corner, delivering a soothing, relaxing scent.
He smiles to himself, knowing full well the goodness of his Queen, and the profound understanding she has of him. He strides to his side of the bed and sizzles up next to her, pulling her close, taking in her aroma, and knowing the dance has just hit its stride.
Together the two share in the greatest joy and Spiritual connectedness two individuals can share, conquering the barriers that stand ever at the ready to keep two hearts from sharing in true union. Together the two intertwine their passions, yield to giving and receiving the bountiful gifts of intimacy, and lose themselves in the arms, heart, mind, and love of this, their special someone.
Time has no meaning, the moment is endless, nothing else exists except the two, the time, and the truth. Truth that in maintaining fidelity and loyalty to one another they will always have the capacity to share in the kind of love they both desire. Truth that in taking time to know one another they will always have the benefit of familiar love and intimacy. Truth that their greatest strength is not in the uniqueness of their individuality, but in the Oneness of their union.
Soon the two lay beside one another, the external world slowly entering back into their sphere. Hearts racing, Spirits rejoicing, bodies recovering, and the silent knowledge that they can always find this place all combine to sustain their sacred connection. She lay beside him, all a-purr, recalling the experience over and over again. He lay there, looking up at the ceiling and thanking every God mankind has ever comprehended for this beautiful woman he has been blessed with.
“Would you like some water?” he asks. She replies yes and he’s off into the kitchen.
He returns and she’s now sitting up, the moonlight gracing her features, creating yet another view of the beautiful Queen that she is. He gives her the water, she drinks.
“We’ve been through a lot in our lives, haven’t we?” she asks. “Yes, and that’s why I love you so… WE have been through a lot together.” He responds. “I just have to tell you that was great…, mind-blowing”, he says.
She looks up at him, a knowing smile on her face. “You’re a good Man.” She remarks, still somewhat reflective. He touches her softly, draws her to him, they exchange a passionate kiss. He whispers in her ear: “I love you.”
They draw each other close once more, unready to let the moment pass yet understanding that it must. They are side-by-side again, in the quiet of night, still experiencing the residual glory of shared intimacy amidst the flowing aroma of lavender, their hands held tightly.
Their Spirits replenished, their fears and concerns put to rest, they are both reminded of how deeply rewarding and beneficial Love can be.
Are you?
He returns somewhat refreshed and takes his place on the bed. Their custom is to close the door of their home sanctuary when having these important discussions because they both understand the value of undivided attention. She pulls a folded paper from some hidden pocket and opens it.
“These are the things we should discuss,” she says, and as he listens to her reciting the list, he realizes she had heard all the many things he had said to her for so many years. His moment of recognition brings a thrill of ecstatic energy that triggers some chromosomal connector, causing his mind to wonder...
She must have known this for she suddenly asks: “Do you think my calves are too thick?” He runs his eyes along the sensuous curves of her calf, taking in the full color and radiance that seem to call out to him. He finds his tongue thickening. “Ur, nothing wrong with your calves, Sweetheart.” He stutters, hoping not to sound too obvious.
The conversation soon ends and she asks if he would take an item to the kitchen. He does.
When he returns he finds the lights are out. He surveys the room and sees the moonlight dipping quietly across the silhouette of his beloved. The street noise that had just recently sounded so intrusive is now a thing of the past. A CD plays softly in the background and he notices the scent of a sweet lavender incense burning oh so quietly in some distant corner, delivering a soothing, relaxing scent.
He smiles to himself, knowing full well the goodness of his Queen, and the profound understanding she has of him. He strides to his side of the bed and sizzles up next to her, pulling her close, taking in her aroma, and knowing the dance has just hit its stride.
Together the two share in the greatest joy and Spiritual connectedness two individuals can share, conquering the barriers that stand ever at the ready to keep two hearts from sharing in true union. Together the two intertwine their passions, yield to giving and receiving the bountiful gifts of intimacy, and lose themselves in the arms, heart, mind, and love of this, their special someone.
Time has no meaning, the moment is endless, nothing else exists except the two, the time, and the truth. Truth that in maintaining fidelity and loyalty to one another they will always have the capacity to share in the kind of love they both desire. Truth that in taking time to know one another they will always have the benefit of familiar love and intimacy. Truth that their greatest strength is not in the uniqueness of their individuality, but in the Oneness of their union.
Soon the two lay beside one another, the external world slowly entering back into their sphere. Hearts racing, Spirits rejoicing, bodies recovering, and the silent knowledge that they can always find this place all combine to sustain their sacred connection. She lay beside him, all a-purr, recalling the experience over and over again. He lay there, looking up at the ceiling and thanking every God mankind has ever comprehended for this beautiful woman he has been blessed with.
“Would you like some water?” he asks. She replies yes and he’s off into the kitchen.
He returns and she’s now sitting up, the moonlight gracing her features, creating yet another view of the beautiful Queen that she is. He gives her the water, she drinks.
“We’ve been through a lot in our lives, haven’t we?” she asks. “Yes, and that’s why I love you so… WE have been through a lot together.” He responds. “I just have to tell you that was great…, mind-blowing”, he says.
She looks up at him, a knowing smile on her face. “You’re a good Man.” She remarks, still somewhat reflective. He touches her softly, draws her to him, they exchange a passionate kiss. He whispers in her ear: “I love you.”
They draw each other close once more, unready to let the moment pass yet understanding that it must. They are side-by-side again, in the quiet of night, still experiencing the residual glory of shared intimacy amidst the flowing aroma of lavender, their hands held tightly.
Their Spirits replenished, their fears and concerns put to rest, they are both reminded of how deeply rewarding and beneficial Love can be.
Are you?
28 September 2009
No. 76 - Who is she?
For the last couple nights I’ve been having this recurring dream that has me perplexed. I’ve awakened wondering at its meaning as I try to sort out the details. I find myself contemplating it throughout the day because, in my opinion, my subconscious mind it grappling with something that obviously needs to be sorted out.
The dream goes like this:
I’m looking at a woman who I’m deeply in love with. She has no name and she has no features other than a natural aura, form and charisma that sends me to Glory. My love for her is completely consuming and there is no question I am the one to love this woman. I know without question I have the love, commitment and passion she needs in her life, and I know mine is genuine and lasting.
But, she has a man. He takes her for granted, caring very little for her heart and even less for her mind. He has no awareness whatsoever of her Spirituality. Yet, she continues to give herself over to this person.
I see him as a grey man, featureless and ghostly with an aura of distrust and selfishness. I am aware of his presence yet he is not aware of mine. I watch as she toils through the frustration of giving herself to him even as he does not welcome her attempts. In frustration and sadness I wait in agitated silence for her to somehow see him for who he really is, and to then see me for who I am.
When she is in my company, she tempts me with her beauty and sensuality. She holds my attention even before she enters my mind. She teases my senses with her elegant charm and radiance. We talk, we laugh, we share time together doing a variety of things yet never do we “cross the line.” I see her smile and I sense her inner glow, all warming and inviting. She is such a draw to me.
I awaken from these dreams slowly, wanting the feelings I experience to linger, wanting the moments to survive. And I wonder why is it that this dream has decided to invade my peaceful slumber? Why have these thoughts and images decided to visit me in my most vulnerable state?
And, Who is she?
I’ve read a lot about our minds, dreams, and how we consider the world we live in. I’ve come to understand that when we sleep, and attain a state of rest, our conscious and subconscious minds go about the task of solving problems that we think about in our waking state. That said, I have to believe this dream represents my own attempt to resolve some issue that is obviously quite important to me.
Wanting to finally have this itch scratched, I looked online to one of the many dream interpretation web sites ( and here is what I’ve gleaned from my investigation:
The Woman: Represents nurturance, passivity, caring nature, and love.
The Other Man (Adultery): Represents insecurity or fear of being abandoned (by this Woman).
Waiting (Patience): Represents going through a healing process.
Temptation: Represents a conflict between my Self and my desires and between instant gratification and long term goals.
Alas, I see the truth.
I am at the point in my life where I will be transitioning to do a different kind of work, less community focused, more self focused. As I interpret the areas I’ve listed above, it appears to me that I am dealing with an inner conflict because I have decided to shift my course in life.
I’m a little fearful of (The Other Man) losing my connection to my community (The Woman) because I have chosen a new pursuit (The Temptation). But, even as I carry this fear, I have already begun the healing process (The waiting) that will ultimately help me come to terms with my decision and lead to my becoming a better person.
Well, that’s refreshing to know. I’m only human and I am somewhat torn between that which I love and care about on the one hand, and that which I love and care about on the other hand. Ironic.
As I think about this I’m pleased to know there is a legitimate basis for the symbology in my dreams. One could easily choose to take a more “tangible” approach to understanding my dream, thinking my desires are less than honest. I believe this would lead to suspicions of my having a desire to become unfaithful, or thinking I might have a “feeling” that my wife is unfaithful to me. How far from the truth this would have been.
So, in asking and answering the question this dispatch poses one final time:
Who is she?
She is the community that I love and think so highly of. She is the young, the old, the good and the bad in all of us. She is the challenges and the victories we all experience daily. She is us.
The dream goes like this:
I’m looking at a woman who I’m deeply in love with. She has no name and she has no features other than a natural aura, form and charisma that sends me to Glory. My love for her is completely consuming and there is no question I am the one to love this woman. I know without question I have the love, commitment and passion she needs in her life, and I know mine is genuine and lasting.
But, she has a man. He takes her for granted, caring very little for her heart and even less for her mind. He has no awareness whatsoever of her Spirituality. Yet, she continues to give herself over to this person.
I see him as a grey man, featureless and ghostly with an aura of distrust and selfishness. I am aware of his presence yet he is not aware of mine. I watch as she toils through the frustration of giving herself to him even as he does not welcome her attempts. In frustration and sadness I wait in agitated silence for her to somehow see him for who he really is, and to then see me for who I am.
When she is in my company, she tempts me with her beauty and sensuality. She holds my attention even before she enters my mind. She teases my senses with her elegant charm and radiance. We talk, we laugh, we share time together doing a variety of things yet never do we “cross the line.” I see her smile and I sense her inner glow, all warming and inviting. She is such a draw to me.
I awaken from these dreams slowly, wanting the feelings I experience to linger, wanting the moments to survive. And I wonder why is it that this dream has decided to invade my peaceful slumber? Why have these thoughts and images decided to visit me in my most vulnerable state?
And, Who is she?
I’ve read a lot about our minds, dreams, and how we consider the world we live in. I’ve come to understand that when we sleep, and attain a state of rest, our conscious and subconscious minds go about the task of solving problems that we think about in our waking state. That said, I have to believe this dream represents my own attempt to resolve some issue that is obviously quite important to me.
Wanting to finally have this itch scratched, I looked online to one of the many dream interpretation web sites ( and here is what I’ve gleaned from my investigation:
The Woman: Represents nurturance, passivity, caring nature, and love.
The Other Man (Adultery): Represents insecurity or fear of being abandoned (by this Woman).
Waiting (Patience): Represents going through a healing process.
Temptation: Represents a conflict between my Self and my desires and between instant gratification and long term goals.
Alas, I see the truth.
I am at the point in my life where I will be transitioning to do a different kind of work, less community focused, more self focused. As I interpret the areas I’ve listed above, it appears to me that I am dealing with an inner conflict because I have decided to shift my course in life.
I’m a little fearful of (The Other Man) losing my connection to my community (The Woman) because I have chosen a new pursuit (The Temptation). But, even as I carry this fear, I have already begun the healing process (The waiting) that will ultimately help me come to terms with my decision and lead to my becoming a better person.
Well, that’s refreshing to know. I’m only human and I am somewhat torn between that which I love and care about on the one hand, and that which I love and care about on the other hand. Ironic.
As I think about this I’m pleased to know there is a legitimate basis for the symbology in my dreams. One could easily choose to take a more “tangible” approach to understanding my dream, thinking my desires are less than honest. I believe this would lead to suspicions of my having a desire to become unfaithful, or thinking I might have a “feeling” that my wife is unfaithful to me. How far from the truth this would have been.
So, in asking and answering the question this dispatch poses one final time:
Who is she?
She is the community that I love and think so highly of. She is the young, the old, the good and the bad in all of us. She is the challenges and the victories we all experience daily. She is us.
15 September 2009
No. 75 - Favorite Quotes
Whenever you're in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude.
It is better to be loved than feared.
However long the night, the dawn will break.
Being happy is better than being King - or Queen.
All truth is good, but not all truth is good to say.
Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.
Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.
A wise man changes his mind, a fool never does.
It is better to be loved than feared.
However long the night, the dawn will break.
Being happy is better than being King - or Queen.
All truth is good, but not all truth is good to say.
Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.
Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.
Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.
A wise man changes his mind, a fool never does.
30 August 2009
No. 74 - An absence of presence
There are times in our lives when we are so caught up in our thinking or feelings about something that we create an impenetrable shield around us, allowing no words or other viewpoints to influence us. Our inner center is so intimately attached to one view or the other that nothing and no one can cause us to acknowledge and give value to a different perspective. We find justification for our position and seek confirmation simply because we think our view is right, or better, or smarter... you get the picture.
It is when we are so deeply immersed in such thinking and emotional avarice that we lose site of whatever master plan or noble goal we might have claimed as our own. This is especially true when it comes to the modern relationship, for all too often the parties wage war, and the potential for evolving into something great is ruined because one (or both) parties cannot break away from their right to “stand their ground” on a position they hold dear.
I call this an absence of presence.
As I consider this it becomes clearer to me this could well be at the core of many problems or disconnects we experience in life, and on many levels. It could be the reason relationships fail in the midst of finger pointing, arguments, and feelings of abandonment. It is, indeed, the very thing that causes separation, distrust and insecurity in relationships because it causes the bonds of the union to dissipate into nothingness.
What happens to a conversation when one or both parties refuse to allow the other perspective to enter into the dialog? What is the result of placing little or no value on the views of the other person? Who gains, who loses? And what is accomplished when two people are battling for what they say is a common goal, yet both have devalued the others perspective?
A lot to think about, for sure, but I think there is a much bigger question we should bring into the conversation as well: Why do people hold on to their positions so violently when there is no reason to do so?
Now that’s a juicy question...
As I consider things I have a sense that we have come to attach our identity to the views and opinions we hold dear. These views and opinions have been reflected upon, internalized, and embraced at a spiritual level for many and are therefore critical in the shaping of how we view the world and interact with others. They help in defining who we are as individuals and they set the boundaries that form our comfort zone. Yet even at this spiritual level, is the view helpful to the individual by creating harmony, peace, and a more enriching life experience? If it is then it is good, if it is not, then it should change.
When these boundaries are crossed we immediately grab hold of our internal reference materials and assess the situation. When we find a position is being challenged we call in the intellectual or emotional reinforcements and set about making ready for battle with the opponent (who in the case of a challenged relationship is the very person we say we love). Next thing you know, what began as an opportunity to learn and grow has been flipped and the relationship finds itself struggling for air.
But is this a matter of holding firm to what we believe in for some moral reason, or is it a matter of being unwilling to grow?
I think we have lost our sense of moral conviction and we have ignored the power this conviction once had in our lives. I think we are unwilling to grow. I think we fight the notion of continued growth daily because we have become “safe and secure” under the umbrella of opinions and ideals that define us. It is easy to say we want to grow, but how many people actually do grow?
Just to be clear, my thinking is that when two people are safe in their zones and have found mutual and lasting peace then that’s great and there is a nurturing harmony that is shared by all. At the same time, if a couple or person is challenged to reconsider a position that is contrary to an individual or common goal, then this presents a personal growth opportunity.
Instead of being afraid of thinking outside of the box we should feel good knowing we can embrace ideas, notion, perspectives, and concepts that are consistent with our views as well as those that are completely different.
Of course, each case is different and merits individual scrutiny. When we consider differing views there should be a standard we must compare each side to, and we should agree to accept the position that either reaches the standard, helps to realize a shared goal, or both. I think this is where a couple or group can exercise its greatest power to move towards a goal and I think this is the “muscle” that is least exercised in troubled relationships.
All too often we get stuck in the mud of selfish, argumentative, individual idealism when it is in our best interests to put the individual view aside and embrace a view that will benefit “all”.
I wonder what it takes to make that possible... I wonder how can we move forward with a different approach to interacting with one another. I wonder if my thoughts and opinions are too idealistic for the modern world, and if I should not challenge others to see things differently.
Alas, I am who I am and this is my calling.
One final word...
When we are lost and caught up in our absence of presence we never experience all that is there before us. We are lost within our own minds because we have allowed our thoughts to imprison our sense of external awareness. All we see and hear and know are the thoughts that reverberate within our minds that reinforce a position that might actually go against our best interests.
It is when we are so deeply immersed in such thinking and emotional avarice that we lose site of whatever master plan or noble goal we might have claimed as our own. This is especially true when it comes to the modern relationship, for all too often the parties wage war, and the potential for evolving into something great is ruined because one (or both) parties cannot break away from their right to “stand their ground” on a position they hold dear.
I call this an absence of presence.
As I consider this it becomes clearer to me this could well be at the core of many problems or disconnects we experience in life, and on many levels. It could be the reason relationships fail in the midst of finger pointing, arguments, and feelings of abandonment. It is, indeed, the very thing that causes separation, distrust and insecurity in relationships because it causes the bonds of the union to dissipate into nothingness.
What happens to a conversation when one or both parties refuse to allow the other perspective to enter into the dialog? What is the result of placing little or no value on the views of the other person? Who gains, who loses? And what is accomplished when two people are battling for what they say is a common goal, yet both have devalued the others perspective?
A lot to think about, for sure, but I think there is a much bigger question we should bring into the conversation as well: Why do people hold on to their positions so violently when there is no reason to do so?
Now that’s a juicy question...
As I consider things I have a sense that we have come to attach our identity to the views and opinions we hold dear. These views and opinions have been reflected upon, internalized, and embraced at a spiritual level for many and are therefore critical in the shaping of how we view the world and interact with others. They help in defining who we are as individuals and they set the boundaries that form our comfort zone. Yet even at this spiritual level, is the view helpful to the individual by creating harmony, peace, and a more enriching life experience? If it is then it is good, if it is not, then it should change.
When these boundaries are crossed we immediately grab hold of our internal reference materials and assess the situation. When we find a position is being challenged we call in the intellectual or emotional reinforcements and set about making ready for battle with the opponent (who in the case of a challenged relationship is the very person we say we love). Next thing you know, what began as an opportunity to learn and grow has been flipped and the relationship finds itself struggling for air.
But is this a matter of holding firm to what we believe in for some moral reason, or is it a matter of being unwilling to grow?
I think we have lost our sense of moral conviction and we have ignored the power this conviction once had in our lives. I think we are unwilling to grow. I think we fight the notion of continued growth daily because we have become “safe and secure” under the umbrella of opinions and ideals that define us. It is easy to say we want to grow, but how many people actually do grow?
Just to be clear, my thinking is that when two people are safe in their zones and have found mutual and lasting peace then that’s great and there is a nurturing harmony that is shared by all. At the same time, if a couple or person is challenged to reconsider a position that is contrary to an individual or common goal, then this presents a personal growth opportunity.
Instead of being afraid of thinking outside of the box we should feel good knowing we can embrace ideas, notion, perspectives, and concepts that are consistent with our views as well as those that are completely different.
Of course, each case is different and merits individual scrutiny. When we consider differing views there should be a standard we must compare each side to, and we should agree to accept the position that either reaches the standard, helps to realize a shared goal, or both. I think this is where a couple or group can exercise its greatest power to move towards a goal and I think this is the “muscle” that is least exercised in troubled relationships.
All too often we get stuck in the mud of selfish, argumentative, individual idealism when it is in our best interests to put the individual view aside and embrace a view that will benefit “all”.
I wonder what it takes to make that possible... I wonder how can we move forward with a different approach to interacting with one another. I wonder if my thoughts and opinions are too idealistic for the modern world, and if I should not challenge others to see things differently.
Alas, I am who I am and this is my calling.
One final word...
When we are lost and caught up in our absence of presence we never experience all that is there before us. We are lost within our own minds because we have allowed our thoughts to imprison our sense of external awareness. All we see and hear and know are the thoughts that reverberate within our minds that reinforce a position that might actually go against our best interests.
29 August 2009
The N Word in Black America
A War For Your Soul-Birmingham version from Erisai Films on Vimeo.
So what is the challenge in all this? While it is obvious what needs to be done... who will..? Are we big enough to change? Or are we too afraid and so soft we will find reason to perpetuate the very mindset that continues to ruin us? Where are the leaders...
25 August 2009
No. 73 - Stones
The young African couple walked pensively to the table and took a seat. As I watched them I noticed the man rarely held his head up. No matter how the young woman attempted to converse with him, his responses would be soft, unemotional, un-engaging. She seemed to be fully determined to get him to open up, yet her every attempt failed. But she remained steadfast.
I had come to the coffee shop with a Brother of mine to talk about our common challenges and to figure out next steps. We are both part of our extended male support group so this meeting, as with all of our meetings, was critical to helping to get through the tough times we all share.
The economy worsens all around and all too often we tend to think we are in this struggle alone. That said, it is always refreshing to hear others speak the same words of encouragement and hope we often think are ours alone.
I watched the two out the corner of my eye -- and sometimes without hiding -- and I have to say it was intriguing, at the least.
Try as she might he resisted being drawn into the conversation. I had the sense some part of him had given up. It soon became apparent there were many other things going on with this couple that caused his demeanor to be so closed to discourse, and somewhat disconnected from his mate.
“There is a stone in my heart...” she said... “and it’s weighing me down.”
He mumbled something I couldn’t make out. Whatever it was I could tell it presented a major challenge to her calm demeanor. She stood up.
“I’m going to get something to eat... you want something?” she asked.
He said, “No.”
She got up and went into the cafe. He remained behind, still looking down, still lost in thought, still holding his body in a way that demonstrated his feelings of insecurity, unworthiness, lack of safety.
My colleague and I talked some more. I wondered if he was picking up the same things I was. I wondered if he had listened in on the conversation as I had. And I wondered how much of this young couples conversation had been echoed in discussions we’ve all had in times gone by.
We both agreed all the answers to our challenges rest within us. We both understood there must be some way to develop the solutions to our challenges, even in the midst of the financial drought that is straining so many of us these days.
Our conversation went from securing contracts/work/jobs to the impact of modern reality on so many relationships, to what it means to be a husband and what men think it means to be a wife.
This friendship is very important to me. It is the kind that is anchored by truthful observations and personal insights. It is genuine and compelling, comforting and funny. It is all the things that lends to the ideal of friendship in its strongest form... it will survive.
She returned with the food and lovingly offered some to him. He dropped his cigarette and immediately went to eating.
“I feel like we are dying... like we are being pulled apart, and that you aren’t helping to make things easy.” she said.
“We’re not dying... it’s just a problem.”, he said.
“How can you say this when we don’t even act like we are married... you don’t even want my help.” was her response.
For the first time he looked up at her. I could see the love and caring, I could only imagine the torrent of emotions that raged inside him.
“I have a stone in my heart too.”, he said.
Then I understood what was happening. I understood they were both being weighed down by the challenges and struggles they were forced to endure. I understood his feeling of impending doom. And I could only guess at how deeply this must have affected him. For here he was, a stranger to this land -- no telling where or how he grew up, or in what form of community -- having to deal with things I may never comprehend. Here he was.
My colleague and I didn’t discuss this couple as we left. We focused on the task at hand and then we said our good-byes.
When I awakened this morning that couple was on my mind. I saw him sitting there, drawn tightly into himself, and her sitting there, determined to do her part. I sent out a prayer for them.
It is my belief this is a conversation many more couples, and families are having. The darkness that enshrouds the heart when we close ourselves to life can become all consuming. It can take us away from the happiness and comfort of those who are near and dear to us. It can weight us down, dropping us from the heights of love, caring, and compassion to the depths of despair, lonesomeness, and virtual insanity.
Sadly, it can be very contagious...
Those insidious stones.
I had come to the coffee shop with a Brother of mine to talk about our common challenges and to figure out next steps. We are both part of our extended male support group so this meeting, as with all of our meetings, was critical to helping to get through the tough times we all share.
The economy worsens all around and all too often we tend to think we are in this struggle alone. That said, it is always refreshing to hear others speak the same words of encouragement and hope we often think are ours alone.
I watched the two out the corner of my eye -- and sometimes without hiding -- and I have to say it was intriguing, at the least.
Try as she might he resisted being drawn into the conversation. I had the sense some part of him had given up. It soon became apparent there were many other things going on with this couple that caused his demeanor to be so closed to discourse, and somewhat disconnected from his mate.
“There is a stone in my heart...” she said... “and it’s weighing me down.”
He mumbled something I couldn’t make out. Whatever it was I could tell it presented a major challenge to her calm demeanor. She stood up.
“I’m going to get something to eat... you want something?” she asked.
He said, “No.”
She got up and went into the cafe. He remained behind, still looking down, still lost in thought, still holding his body in a way that demonstrated his feelings of insecurity, unworthiness, lack of safety.
My colleague and I talked some more. I wondered if he was picking up the same things I was. I wondered if he had listened in on the conversation as I had. And I wondered how much of this young couples conversation had been echoed in discussions we’ve all had in times gone by.
We both agreed all the answers to our challenges rest within us. We both understood there must be some way to develop the solutions to our challenges, even in the midst of the financial drought that is straining so many of us these days.
Our conversation went from securing contracts/work/jobs to the impact of modern reality on so many relationships, to what it means to be a husband and what men think it means to be a wife.
This friendship is very important to me. It is the kind that is anchored by truthful observations and personal insights. It is genuine and compelling, comforting and funny. It is all the things that lends to the ideal of friendship in its strongest form... it will survive.
She returned with the food and lovingly offered some to him. He dropped his cigarette and immediately went to eating.
“I feel like we are dying... like we are being pulled apart, and that you aren’t helping to make things easy.” she said.
“We’re not dying... it’s just a problem.”, he said.
“How can you say this when we don’t even act like we are married... you don’t even want my help.” was her response.
For the first time he looked up at her. I could see the love and caring, I could only imagine the torrent of emotions that raged inside him.
“I have a stone in my heart too.”, he said.
Then I understood what was happening. I understood they were both being weighed down by the challenges and struggles they were forced to endure. I understood his feeling of impending doom. And I could only guess at how deeply this must have affected him. For here he was, a stranger to this land -- no telling where or how he grew up, or in what form of community -- having to deal with things I may never comprehend. Here he was.
My colleague and I didn’t discuss this couple as we left. We focused on the task at hand and then we said our good-byes.
When I awakened this morning that couple was on my mind. I saw him sitting there, drawn tightly into himself, and her sitting there, determined to do her part. I sent out a prayer for them.
It is my belief this is a conversation many more couples, and families are having. The darkness that enshrouds the heart when we close ourselves to life can become all consuming. It can take us away from the happiness and comfort of those who are near and dear to us. It can weight us down, dropping us from the heights of love, caring, and compassion to the depths of despair, lonesomeness, and virtual insanity.
Sadly, it can be very contagious...
Those insidious stones.
11 August 2009
A Letter to the President
Please change the name below (along with anything else you may want to change) and then cut and paste it into the White House Contact Us page at: if this is something you feel represents how people feel. This will give voice to our concerns in a very real way so the more people that responds to this by submitting it to the White House, the better. The process only takes 2 minutes and it would help get your concerns heard.
As ever, you are welcome and encouraged to forward this to everyone in your network.
Dear Sir,
You are my President and my brother. You are the most powerful man this planet knows of, wielding international influence where ever you go. You are the example of a loving Husband and dutiful Father that so many of our young boys have responded to, and so many have stood a bit taller just knowing what is possible.
President Obama, you are the example of true community leadership that our generations have longed to look upon, and you have made us proud.
I know there is no way you can know this but there is a young boy in Oakland, California who has gotten many of his last meals from a dumpster behind one of the many struggling restaurants in the area. His girlfriend has had to resort to prostitution in order to get money for a room to have some semblance of peace and some iota of hope in their lives. There is a grandfather who quietly whiles away his time hoping for someone to visit with him, to bring him food, so that he may eat today. And there is a grandmother who has been forced to go without her medicine because she refused to die of hunger. She rather risk losing a limb instead of her life in the short run. These are the stories that every community across this great country can tell you, but why should any American have to ever make that kinds of choices?
All these people live in all communities… and all of them need you to do what is right by them.
You see, Mr. President, we don’t care about the arguments being made by those who continue to have far more than we do. We don’t care to know who is being labeled what or how effective one message was over the other. We just know we are unnecessarily dying and creating a major fiscal burden to all of America because so many do not have health care, and that’s what we care about. We know we have been disproportionately underserved by a de facto system that rewards those at the top by ruining the lives and livelihood of those at the middle and on the bottom.
When you came to the political stage you became something far more then the image of a powerful Black Man. You became the mirror to look upon ourselves with pride and joy, and know that we too are part of your greatness… even as we are. We are coming to a better understand of what this means and how we are now tasked with realizing the leaders that lay dormant within us for so long. For that we thank you.
Sir, you can not afford to play the political samba with the serious health care issues that are currently ruining our Country. There is no time for compromise. You have to stand strong to do what is right and best and ethical for those who need health care most. You have to understand the gravity of the situation and the tragic impact the current health care system has had on so many lives.
What good is it to have an option offered that cannot be purchased because one has to eat, or live, or work? The sad irony of it all…
I am sending this letter on behalf of all the people who agree with what is written here and who stand with you against the dysfunctional social engine that seeks to derail your/our efforts to have health care for all Americans.
We want to make it loud and clear we will not believe one word of the lies and maneuverings coming from those agents who benefit from what now exists in so many financial ways, and who maliciously use their resources and influence to step on our backs. We will not hear their lies or fall for their deceit.
We are making it clear we WANT and need the option you are proposing as long as it will not be embroiled in the same corporate or other “establishment” gimmicks that water it down and/or render it ineffective. That would be a tremendous blow to all of us and our ancestors would roll in their graves seeing this great failure.
We are saying you must make it happen and we are here to help realize this much needed fundamental infrastructure component of true community building.
Humbly and Respectfully,
Dedoceo Habi
As ever, you are welcome and encouraged to forward this to everyone in your network.
Dear Sir,
You are my President and my brother. You are the most powerful man this planet knows of, wielding international influence where ever you go. You are the example of a loving Husband and dutiful Father that so many of our young boys have responded to, and so many have stood a bit taller just knowing what is possible.
President Obama, you are the example of true community leadership that our generations have longed to look upon, and you have made us proud.
I know there is no way you can know this but there is a young boy in Oakland, California who has gotten many of his last meals from a dumpster behind one of the many struggling restaurants in the area. His girlfriend has had to resort to prostitution in order to get money for a room to have some semblance of peace and some iota of hope in their lives. There is a grandfather who quietly whiles away his time hoping for someone to visit with him, to bring him food, so that he may eat today. And there is a grandmother who has been forced to go without her medicine because she refused to die of hunger. She rather risk losing a limb instead of her life in the short run. These are the stories that every community across this great country can tell you, but why should any American have to ever make that kinds of choices?
All these people live in all communities… and all of them need you to do what is right by them.
You see, Mr. President, we don’t care about the arguments being made by those who continue to have far more than we do. We don’t care to know who is being labeled what or how effective one message was over the other. We just know we are unnecessarily dying and creating a major fiscal burden to all of America because so many do not have health care, and that’s what we care about. We know we have been disproportionately underserved by a de facto system that rewards those at the top by ruining the lives and livelihood of those at the middle and on the bottom.
When you came to the political stage you became something far more then the image of a powerful Black Man. You became the mirror to look upon ourselves with pride and joy, and know that we too are part of your greatness… even as we are. We are coming to a better understand of what this means and how we are now tasked with realizing the leaders that lay dormant within us for so long. For that we thank you.
Sir, you can not afford to play the political samba with the serious health care issues that are currently ruining our Country. There is no time for compromise. You have to stand strong to do what is right and best and ethical for those who need health care most. You have to understand the gravity of the situation and the tragic impact the current health care system has had on so many lives.
What good is it to have an option offered that cannot be purchased because one has to eat, or live, or work? The sad irony of it all…
I am sending this letter on behalf of all the people who agree with what is written here and who stand with you against the dysfunctional social engine that seeks to derail your/our efforts to have health care for all Americans.
We want to make it loud and clear we will not believe one word of the lies and maneuverings coming from those agents who benefit from what now exists in so many financial ways, and who maliciously use their resources and influence to step on our backs. We will not hear their lies or fall for their deceit.
We are making it clear we WANT and need the option you are proposing as long as it will not be embroiled in the same corporate or other “establishment” gimmicks that water it down and/or render it ineffective. That would be a tremendous blow to all of us and our ancestors would roll in their graves seeing this great failure.
We are saying you must make it happen and we are here to help realize this much needed fundamental infrastructure component of true community building.
Humbly and Respectfully,
Dedoceo Habi
09 August 2009
No. 72 - Seeking with Faith
Today I spent some time on the beach watching the shoreline, the waves as they gently cascaded upon the land, the water foul, and the many different people enjoying the outside environs. There were couples, individuals and families, all enjoying the pleasant comfort of good times spent creating lasting memories in the Sun. While all this was most appealing to me there happened to be one pair the caught my eye and caused me to spend the majority of my time watching them.
A man and a dog were enjoying their time together playing a game of catch. The dog, a Black Lab, was most attentive and quite ready to fully enjoy the fun. Each time the man would pick his arm up to throw the ball the dog would take off at full sprint to retrieve it. What was intriguing to me was the fact that in every case the ball had not been thrown, yet the dog was off without pause. Each time the ball was thrown he would happily find it where ever it fell.
There are those who might argue the point that the dog was only responding to his training. While that is an appropriate perspective, I saw something else... something far more meaningful. What I saw led me to consider the Spiritual lesson that could be learned from this activity.
The dog, you see, went forward in faith. He gave his all to realize a goal -- that of getting the ball -- even when he had no idea where it would ultimately be found. That, to me, is the great lesson one can draw from this dispatch.
There are many who go forward in life with the full knowledge -- a great sense of knowing -- that the goals sought after will be had as long as they keep going forward in faith. As long as they give it our all and are consistently believe they will have it, they will. This assumes these people are seeking that which is beneficial not just to themselves, but to others as well.
Nowadays it’s hard to grasp this ideal because many are so anchored to the deeds and actions of the masses it is quite hard to allow themselves to believe anything other then following the herd as the appropriate path to realizing a given goal. I accept this line of thinking as true and relevant to those who embrace it while I also accept the notion that there is always another way to getting to the prize.
Many people espouse a great belief in the teachings of the Bible, the Tora, the Koran or some other great Spiritual work, yet some of the strongest truths written in these great Books go unheeded. They are minimized or twisted to conform to the thinking of those with little understanding of true Faith, and this limited insight soon becomes the ball-and-chains that keep these people from realizing a greater self.
The have Faith dwell within self can be perceived by some as fool-hardy or unrealistic. These are the folk who are mesmerized to the point of frozen fear when exposed to the Faith of others. They do not understand and find it difficult to grasp as a way of being.
There is much to be learned from the idea of going forward in Faith if we would but allow ourselves to be open to the lessons, and willing to internalize them. When we can do that we go through life with a greater sense of personal calm and confidence in our capabilities because we walk with the knowledge that we will succeed.
I believe this with all that I am. I believe our society is so lacking in positive energy and truly great leaders because so few understand the power of Faith. One may call if Religious, one may call is Spiritual, or one may call it nebulous... the choice goes to the individual. Whatever and however one defines it I believe we need more of it in todays world.
All around us individuals, couples, families and ultimately communities are floundering. The support infrastructure that once helped many can now help only a few. All indications are that even the few numbers that receive help will continue to be reduced.
I wonder what will happen to us when this inevitable reality in at our doorsteps. I wonder how will these many individuals cope with a world in transition all around them as everything they were once happily familiar with is no more. And what of the millions of children and youth who now are simply blowing in the wind because no one is there to guide them... how will they find comfort?
Faith and Hope have a cyclical relationship, always trading off o which will lead which. It is apparent to me that without Faith there will be no Hope. Without Hope so many more will be lost. How many is too many? What will become of those who think they have something today only to find out as this society continues to change, they have less... or nothing. Consider all the millions of families that once lived in luxury and are now part of the growing “lower class” society.
An interesting series of thoughts, indeed, and I hope you will share it with those you are close to. In fact, I am humbly asking that you do, and find reason to talk to them about this.
Seeking by Faith is rooted in the absolute belief that you will somehow realize your goal -- the way is made with each step forward, that is the extent of how far one must see (and believe). There is no measured path or outlined road one must follow... that road is already crowded with the clamor and ire of the many on that journey.
Whether the Faith that is needed applies to finally securing that home you’ve been after, or finding a way to get to college, the premise and act of Faith must be more broadly exercised.
As the world around us changes we most change with it. There are a million stories of defeat and loss one can specifically link to the inability to change when change is needed. As well, there are just as many stories of how belief translated into Faith has achieved what many thought were impossible, because Hope remained alive.
I’m reminded on a scripture: ...all things are possible to him that believeth...
What are you reminded of?
A man and a dog were enjoying their time together playing a game of catch. The dog, a Black Lab, was most attentive and quite ready to fully enjoy the fun. Each time the man would pick his arm up to throw the ball the dog would take off at full sprint to retrieve it. What was intriguing to me was the fact that in every case the ball had not been thrown, yet the dog was off without pause. Each time the ball was thrown he would happily find it where ever it fell.
There are those who might argue the point that the dog was only responding to his training. While that is an appropriate perspective, I saw something else... something far more meaningful. What I saw led me to consider the Spiritual lesson that could be learned from this activity.
The dog, you see, went forward in faith. He gave his all to realize a goal -- that of getting the ball -- even when he had no idea where it would ultimately be found. That, to me, is the great lesson one can draw from this dispatch.
There are many who go forward in life with the full knowledge -- a great sense of knowing -- that the goals sought after will be had as long as they keep going forward in faith. As long as they give it our all and are consistently believe they will have it, they will. This assumes these people are seeking that which is beneficial not just to themselves, but to others as well.
Nowadays it’s hard to grasp this ideal because many are so anchored to the deeds and actions of the masses it is quite hard to allow themselves to believe anything other then following the herd as the appropriate path to realizing a given goal. I accept this line of thinking as true and relevant to those who embrace it while I also accept the notion that there is always another way to getting to the prize.
Many people espouse a great belief in the teachings of the Bible, the Tora, the Koran or some other great Spiritual work, yet some of the strongest truths written in these great Books go unheeded. They are minimized or twisted to conform to the thinking of those with little understanding of true Faith, and this limited insight soon becomes the ball-and-chains that keep these people from realizing a greater self.
The have Faith dwell within self can be perceived by some as fool-hardy or unrealistic. These are the folk who are mesmerized to the point of frozen fear when exposed to the Faith of others. They do not understand and find it difficult to grasp as a way of being.
There is much to be learned from the idea of going forward in Faith if we would but allow ourselves to be open to the lessons, and willing to internalize them. When we can do that we go through life with a greater sense of personal calm and confidence in our capabilities because we walk with the knowledge that we will succeed.
I believe this with all that I am. I believe our society is so lacking in positive energy and truly great leaders because so few understand the power of Faith. One may call if Religious, one may call is Spiritual, or one may call it nebulous... the choice goes to the individual. Whatever and however one defines it I believe we need more of it in todays world.
All around us individuals, couples, families and ultimately communities are floundering. The support infrastructure that once helped many can now help only a few. All indications are that even the few numbers that receive help will continue to be reduced.
I wonder what will happen to us when this inevitable reality in at our doorsteps. I wonder how will these many individuals cope with a world in transition all around them as everything they were once happily familiar with is no more. And what of the millions of children and youth who now are simply blowing in the wind because no one is there to guide them... how will they find comfort?
Faith and Hope have a cyclical relationship, always trading off o which will lead which. It is apparent to me that without Faith there will be no Hope. Without Hope so many more will be lost. How many is too many? What will become of those who think they have something today only to find out as this society continues to change, they have less... or nothing. Consider all the millions of families that once lived in luxury and are now part of the growing “lower class” society.
An interesting series of thoughts, indeed, and I hope you will share it with those you are close to. In fact, I am humbly asking that you do, and find reason to talk to them about this.
Seeking by Faith is rooted in the absolute belief that you will somehow realize your goal -- the way is made with each step forward, that is the extent of how far one must see (and believe). There is no measured path or outlined road one must follow... that road is already crowded with the clamor and ire of the many on that journey.
Whether the Faith that is needed applies to finally securing that home you’ve been after, or finding a way to get to college, the premise and act of Faith must be more broadly exercised.
As the world around us changes we most change with it. There are a million stories of defeat and loss one can specifically link to the inability to change when change is needed. As well, there are just as many stories of how belief translated into Faith has achieved what many thought were impossible, because Hope remained alive.
I’m reminded on a scripture: ...all things are possible to him that believeth...
What are you reminded of?
26 July 2009
No. 71 - Him, exposed
My last dispatch got a lot of attention and so I feel compelled to delve a little deeper into the idea of how a man thinks about the woman in his life. Now, let me preface this by saying I do not know and have not spoken with every man out there so what I share comes from conversations I’ve had with the men in my circle. Let me also say this: I believe each of these men have spoken the truth around how they view this issue because we have shared in honest dialog for many years and, through that process, have gained great respect for the common threads in our views.
At it’s deepest, most intimate level, the love, faith and trust from a good woman a man loves affects him at a biological level. It’s true.
I think about how I feel towards my Queen and I know it’s far more than just a passing feeling, or a temporary desire to be in her company. I have learned and accepted the fact that not only do my thoughts project towards our common goals, but my feeling are becoming intimately intermingled with hers. In essence, as we merge into one entity with a common goal we are brought more closely into the realm of a profound Spiritual connectedness, and this connectedness becomes an integral companion during our journey towards our goals.
What so many of my friends (and colleagues) have said they needed from their significant other boils down to her belief in him and her faith in his word. For sure there are other characteristics that are important to men but, in my opinion, these two are the greatest.
There seems to be something powerful about the belief a women has in her man. Something almost spiritual in how it drives a man forward when sometimes there appears to be no where else to go. When a women acts out in faith for her man, knowing full well the goal will be met, it adds a calming peace to the relationship - It defines their capacity for greatness.
Some, who think of the man and woman as two independent forces where each co-habitat their own space may think little of this or ask: Why is this important?
For me, it gets down to quality of life.
When we are in committed relationships we have to believe in the other person, and we have to have faith in them. Regardless of how long the journey, how many upsets, how many challenges, this has to be our mode of operation. Even when we are inclined to yield to the temptation to disbelieve and remove our faith we have to find a way to overcome that temptation.
Many men think of themselves (yes, even me) as warriors. We are in the throes of a great battle to achieve some goal. We are caught up in the ebb and flow of the myriad challenges of life, ever weary of what “might happen” or “what did happen”, and ever diligent in our efforts to find a way to enjoy a better life with those we love and care for. We seek to find the way out of the storm when many others have given up or have decided to accept the “nothingness” of the moment as their true fate in life.
In order for us to keep moving forward we take each step with the faith and belief that it is one step closer to realizing our goal. We embrace faith in self, in God, in our significant other, knowing full well it is their wish that we succeed. For us, without faith and belief in self, we have no reason to keep moving forward -- having no will to do any more than take our next breath as we vacantly watch life pass us by.
How does this all relate?
As I said earlier, when experiencing this kind of love, a Man develops a Spiritual connection to and with his Woman. For some strange reason his sense of destiny becomes intimately and dynamically linked to hers. While his faith and belief in self continues to exist, somehow the Universe has found a way to integrate her faith and belief into his. Where there was once two, now there is one.
So when there is little or no parity; when one person has no faith or belief in the other, a stated goal will never be reached where there will be two happy people, assured in their love, and solid in the knowledge “they did it together.” There will be no happy memories that prove their connectedness and confidence yo look back at and share in the glory of it all.
All too often we have heard of Men and Women who were with someone for some amount of time and then finally achieve some great goal, then the first thing they do is leave the one they were with. People all around them wonder why this has happened and some even point the finger at the notion that one person was using the other.
I tend to think that people are generally good. I tend to believe we genuinely do want what’s good for ourselves and those we care about. I believe it is more a matter of not having the nurturing and care one needs when staring down the challenges of the journey - when this happens we become hardened individuals, not caring partners.
For many men, the conversation is centered on her lack of faith and/or trust and/or belief in him. He talks about his need for her to understand him and to value him... his need for her to participate in his journey toward success as a partner with equal (and sometimes more) belief in success than he. He needs to know she has the understanding that their journey can lead to a greater appreciation for one another, or possible doom when there is no or little belief in one another.
Women have a Power. This Power men do not understand... we simply accept it and do our best to not get caught up in figuring it out. Call it Spiritual will or the ability to drive a man to great heights, or simply the power to collaboratively help their men to realizing a stated goal that will benefit all.
Whichever one prefers, it makes sense to understand this truth as being relevant in creating a happy and sustainable relationship. It makes sense that men should acknowledge this real and important fact about their lives, and it makes sense that women should wield their Power in ways that support a lasting relationship.
The words Men need to hear from their women are: “I believe in you”, “It will be alright”, “I know you can and will handle things”, and “We are in this together.” These words, along with the supportive actions that prove them, will overcome any problem, insure great memories and wonderful excitement, and will lead to a life of multiple successes.
I should acknowledge I am attempting to represent what a Man considers as a great relationship - from a more intimate and honest perspective. It is done from a positive point of view with the hopes it will stimulate dialog.
Him, exposed.
At it’s deepest, most intimate level, the love, faith and trust from a good woman a man loves affects him at a biological level. It’s true.
I think about how I feel towards my Queen and I know it’s far more than just a passing feeling, or a temporary desire to be in her company. I have learned and accepted the fact that not only do my thoughts project towards our common goals, but my feeling are becoming intimately intermingled with hers. In essence, as we merge into one entity with a common goal we are brought more closely into the realm of a profound Spiritual connectedness, and this connectedness becomes an integral companion during our journey towards our goals.
What so many of my friends (and colleagues) have said they needed from their significant other boils down to her belief in him and her faith in his word. For sure there are other characteristics that are important to men but, in my opinion, these two are the greatest.
There seems to be something powerful about the belief a women has in her man. Something almost spiritual in how it drives a man forward when sometimes there appears to be no where else to go. When a women acts out in faith for her man, knowing full well the goal will be met, it adds a calming peace to the relationship - It defines their capacity for greatness.
Some, who think of the man and woman as two independent forces where each co-habitat their own space may think little of this or ask: Why is this important?
For me, it gets down to quality of life.
When we are in committed relationships we have to believe in the other person, and we have to have faith in them. Regardless of how long the journey, how many upsets, how many challenges, this has to be our mode of operation. Even when we are inclined to yield to the temptation to disbelieve and remove our faith we have to find a way to overcome that temptation.
Many men think of themselves (yes, even me) as warriors. We are in the throes of a great battle to achieve some goal. We are caught up in the ebb and flow of the myriad challenges of life, ever weary of what “might happen” or “what did happen”, and ever diligent in our efforts to find a way to enjoy a better life with those we love and care for. We seek to find the way out of the storm when many others have given up or have decided to accept the “nothingness” of the moment as their true fate in life.
In order for us to keep moving forward we take each step with the faith and belief that it is one step closer to realizing our goal. We embrace faith in self, in God, in our significant other, knowing full well it is their wish that we succeed. For us, without faith and belief in self, we have no reason to keep moving forward -- having no will to do any more than take our next breath as we vacantly watch life pass us by.
How does this all relate?
As I said earlier, when experiencing this kind of love, a Man develops a Spiritual connection to and with his Woman. For some strange reason his sense of destiny becomes intimately and dynamically linked to hers. While his faith and belief in self continues to exist, somehow the Universe has found a way to integrate her faith and belief into his. Where there was once two, now there is one.
So when there is little or no parity; when one person has no faith or belief in the other, a stated goal will never be reached where there will be two happy people, assured in their love, and solid in the knowledge “they did it together.” There will be no happy memories that prove their connectedness and confidence yo look back at and share in the glory of it all.
All too often we have heard of Men and Women who were with someone for some amount of time and then finally achieve some great goal, then the first thing they do is leave the one they were with. People all around them wonder why this has happened and some even point the finger at the notion that one person was using the other.
I tend to think that people are generally good. I tend to believe we genuinely do want what’s good for ourselves and those we care about. I believe it is more a matter of not having the nurturing and care one needs when staring down the challenges of the journey - when this happens we become hardened individuals, not caring partners.
For many men, the conversation is centered on her lack of faith and/or trust and/or belief in him. He talks about his need for her to understand him and to value him... his need for her to participate in his journey toward success as a partner with equal (and sometimes more) belief in success than he. He needs to know she has the understanding that their journey can lead to a greater appreciation for one another, or possible doom when there is no or little belief in one another.
Women have a Power. This Power men do not understand... we simply accept it and do our best to not get caught up in figuring it out. Call it Spiritual will or the ability to drive a man to great heights, or simply the power to collaboratively help their men to realizing a stated goal that will benefit all.
Whichever one prefers, it makes sense to understand this truth as being relevant in creating a happy and sustainable relationship. It makes sense that men should acknowledge this real and important fact about their lives, and it makes sense that women should wield their Power in ways that support a lasting relationship.
The words Men need to hear from their women are: “I believe in you”, “It will be alright”, “I know you can and will handle things”, and “We are in this together.” These words, along with the supportive actions that prove them, will overcome any problem, insure great memories and wonderful excitement, and will lead to a life of multiple successes.
I should acknowledge I am attempting to represent what a Man considers as a great relationship - from a more intimate and honest perspective. It is done from a positive point of view with the hopes it will stimulate dialog.
Him, exposed.
22 July 2009
No. 70 - Her, defined
After months of silence I finally heard from a dear cousin of mine... I’ll call him Marvin. Last I heard his Mother had died and the process of preparing for her burial had devastated him.
One of the first things he told me was he had lost his job only three days after the funeral... he hasn’t worked since, and is now forced to live with relatives.
Although he had experienced such sadness in these last months his demeanor was calm and assured. He confided in me he had been off all stimulants (drugs and alcohol) and was finally beginning to feel real emotions. We even laughed when I joked about how surprised he must have felt when he first understood the feeling that was so unusually delightful to him was that of feeling happy. Feeling happiness for the first time in many years without the numbing affects of drugs and alcohol... it was the first time I could remember seeing him genuinely happy in many years. I felt blessed to experience it.
As we walked and talked we happened to talk about women. Since his situation was so fragile and he had little to offer in the way of material things or income he was getting a lot of resistance and hesitance from his estranged wife. She had made it clear she was quite uncomfortable supporting him and leery of making any commitment that would bring them any closer. We talked on this more and I gained greater insight into how he viewed the world, how life circumstance and decisions had adversely impacted his life. I came to appreciate a view of women that -- I’m hearing more and more these days -- seems to be a challenge to the status quo.
It was a little uncomfortable digesting all he said because as we spoke, standing outside of the place of worship where he now attends routinely for weekly prayer, this woman came up to us, Bible in hand, ready to share in the praising of the Lord with him.
I thought about that deeply as I headed back home, wondering at the oddity of that situation. Now, there are many who believe a man is the provider of the home and, no matter what, it is his job to do, and he is remiss if he doesn’t meet that need. I’ve overheard many women talking of how they would drop their man in a hot second if he didn’t have any money. As a man I believe it is a mans nature to want to provide for his family and it gives him great pleasure knowing that he does.
But something wrong has happened in our society... something that is the culprit for many breakups and much hardship in relationships all across the land. This thing has ruined not only the lives of husbands and wives, but also innocent children. What am I referring to, you may ask... very good question.
I shall answer it like so:
Her, defined
She knows her Man, and longs to be
The holder of his care,
She seeks to give him all he needs, when no one
Else is there,
She lifts him up, not heeding those
Who laugh behind her back,
She understands with clarity, and gladly gives
That which he lacks,
She smartly knows that while they struggle
This time lasts but a spell,
She sees the future in the hope she breathes
With every truth she tells.
And sometimes in his darkest hour, when he needs
To feel her love,
Her gentle words of belief in him let’s him
Know there is a God above.
Her, defined.
You see, what my dear cousin was saying to me was that he hadn’t given up on life. No matter what he had faced or what he would ever face he would not stop trying. He wanted to do more, be more, have more, give more, love more -- even when he may not always know how to or have the answer to how to achieve his goal. He refused to allow himself to believe he was nothing even though everyone and everywhere around him there were messages and indicators that many men have allowed to break them.
He was telling the universe that he is a Man and that he does deserve better and that he will not give up on self or life until he realized his dreams.
And he was saying he needed a Good woman to share not just the fruits of his hard-fought labor, but also the journey to making it so.
Who can say, in the modern day, what challenges we will all face as so much around us falls into ruin? Who can predict what more bad news or suffering will have to be absorbed and shared by us all? And who can expect to accomplish anything worthwhile, meaningful, and necessary without the help and support of others... namely the very one who professes to love them?
I have said and continue to say things will worsen before they get better. There are many people who are doing everything possible to realize a better life, who will not yield to the temptation to give up. Even in the face of all these challenges it is my fervent belief the only success to be had will be had when two people find the strength of character and commitment to one another to put aside antiquated thinking about how things ought to be and understand they live in the here and now. When this happens we can rest assured that families will be strengthened after having victory over the trials of the modern day. When this happens we will have tangible proof of the true strength of the pillars of our community - husbands and wives.
And we will be able to look back at the excitement of the journey, reflecting upon every step, every lesson learned, and every courageous victory, knowing full well that we did it...
One of the first things he told me was he had lost his job only three days after the funeral... he hasn’t worked since, and is now forced to live with relatives.
Although he had experienced such sadness in these last months his demeanor was calm and assured. He confided in me he had been off all stimulants (drugs and alcohol) and was finally beginning to feel real emotions. We even laughed when I joked about how surprised he must have felt when he first understood the feeling that was so unusually delightful to him was that of feeling happy. Feeling happiness for the first time in many years without the numbing affects of drugs and alcohol... it was the first time I could remember seeing him genuinely happy in many years. I felt blessed to experience it.
As we walked and talked we happened to talk about women. Since his situation was so fragile and he had little to offer in the way of material things or income he was getting a lot of resistance and hesitance from his estranged wife. She had made it clear she was quite uncomfortable supporting him and leery of making any commitment that would bring them any closer. We talked on this more and I gained greater insight into how he viewed the world, how life circumstance and decisions had adversely impacted his life. I came to appreciate a view of women that -- I’m hearing more and more these days -- seems to be a challenge to the status quo.
It was a little uncomfortable digesting all he said because as we spoke, standing outside of the place of worship where he now attends routinely for weekly prayer, this woman came up to us, Bible in hand, ready to share in the praising of the Lord with him.
I thought about that deeply as I headed back home, wondering at the oddity of that situation. Now, there are many who believe a man is the provider of the home and, no matter what, it is his job to do, and he is remiss if he doesn’t meet that need. I’ve overheard many women talking of how they would drop their man in a hot second if he didn’t have any money. As a man I believe it is a mans nature to want to provide for his family and it gives him great pleasure knowing that he does.
But something wrong has happened in our society... something that is the culprit for many breakups and much hardship in relationships all across the land. This thing has ruined not only the lives of husbands and wives, but also innocent children. What am I referring to, you may ask... very good question.
I shall answer it like so:
Her, defined
She knows her Man, and longs to be
The holder of his care,
She seeks to give him all he needs, when no one
Else is there,
She lifts him up, not heeding those
Who laugh behind her back,
She understands with clarity, and gladly gives
That which he lacks,
She smartly knows that while they struggle
This time lasts but a spell,
She sees the future in the hope she breathes
With every truth she tells.
And sometimes in his darkest hour, when he needs
To feel her love,
Her gentle words of belief in him let’s him
Know there is a God above.
Her, defined.
You see, what my dear cousin was saying to me was that he hadn’t given up on life. No matter what he had faced or what he would ever face he would not stop trying. He wanted to do more, be more, have more, give more, love more -- even when he may not always know how to or have the answer to how to achieve his goal. He refused to allow himself to believe he was nothing even though everyone and everywhere around him there were messages and indicators that many men have allowed to break them.
He was telling the universe that he is a Man and that he does deserve better and that he will not give up on self or life until he realized his dreams.
And he was saying he needed a Good woman to share not just the fruits of his hard-fought labor, but also the journey to making it so.
Who can say, in the modern day, what challenges we will all face as so much around us falls into ruin? Who can predict what more bad news or suffering will have to be absorbed and shared by us all? And who can expect to accomplish anything worthwhile, meaningful, and necessary without the help and support of others... namely the very one who professes to love them?
I have said and continue to say things will worsen before they get better. There are many people who are doing everything possible to realize a better life, who will not yield to the temptation to give up. Even in the face of all these challenges it is my fervent belief the only success to be had will be had when two people find the strength of character and commitment to one another to put aside antiquated thinking about how things ought to be and understand they live in the here and now. When this happens we can rest assured that families will be strengthened after having victory over the trials of the modern day. When this happens we will have tangible proof of the true strength of the pillars of our community - husbands and wives.
And we will be able to look back at the excitement of the journey, reflecting upon every step, every lesson learned, and every courageous victory, knowing full well that we did it...
18 July 2009
No. 69 - Give and Take Within
What is it about the human condition that causes a person to hold steadfast to a viewpoint, belief or position even when it prevents him from that which he desires to possess? How closely aligned to the problems we perceive in our relationships are our words and actions? And, why do we hold so tenaciously to those parts of our psyche that seem to keep our happiness at bay?
These are some of the questions that rested on my mind this morning as I awakened. I lay there I wondered about the series of connected “dots” that compose our identity, and that set into motion the experiences we have in life.
As I consider these thoughts I begin to see a connection from one stage of the matter to the next. It occurs to me our identities have somehow become closely associated with our habits. These habits are nothing more than a series of repeated actions that we have become comfortable with. These actions are based upon the perspectives and realities we experience as we flow through the world as we evolve toward our individual (and collective) greatness. At various points in our evolution (in fact, the points of evolution) we decide what viewpoint we will embrace (and the accompanying attitude) or what viewpoint we will drop. Once these decisions are made our natural processes come into play and we soon find these new viewpoints tightly integrated into our view of the world.
In either case, we tend to adopt mannerisms, attitudes, and perspectives that are in line with how we regard the world, and the people in the world that we come across. It is these mannerisms that, when repeatedly exercised, become the recognizable traits of our character. Lo and behold, when we think of a person we have become acquainted with we hold a mental image of this person that is based on the actions of this person and the experiences we have had with this person, whether good or bad.
I tend to think about this with what I would consider an honest yet critical eye. I tend to use my thoughts to better understand the world around me, and apply these understandings to situations I find myself exposed to. I have found this approach to be helpful in my work with community and in helping to remove my own mental barriers.
Still, how is it that we have come to hold that part of us that opposes our true desire with such fervent passion?
I recently returned from a convention in Tampa and at one of the keynote events an older gentleman gave a presentation that really resonated regarding this subject. He sited an experiment done many years ago by Dr. Martin E. P. Seligman in which the term “Learned Helplessness” was coined.
The idea developed was based on a person who is exposed conditions that fostered adverse, fearful, or uncomfortable emotions. When this happens that person develops behaviors that remain present and impactful even when removed from the situation -- even applying them to similar situations later on in life. This is to say, we learn to behave in ways that perpetuate our thoughts of fear and helplessness even when removed from the circumstances that caused us adopt these viewpoints. Even when we have no clear reason to do so.
As I think about it, it makes a lot of sense. It explains why it is so hard for people to overcome past hurts or feelings of fear, rather choosing to continue protective and/or controlling behaviors. It explains why so many in our community have allowed their feelings of helplessness to dictate their views of and experiences in life, and it accounts for the many problems that grab us unexpectedly as we go about the business of maintaining lifelong relationships.
I see this every time I speak to a young man who proclaims he wants a job yet explains there are no jobs to be had. He, therefore, does not try to find work. He has learned to feel helpless -- it is his normal way now -- and so now he acts hopeless. In the end, the very thing he says he wants he has “learned” he cannot have and because of his thinking, he acts in ways that makes his belief his reality.
While some may call this a self fulfilling prophesy, I like to think this is nothing more than learned behavior. I take this position because I believe we can each control what we learn far more effectively then what we prophesy.
So we are now looking more carefully and honestly at how we have come to act in certain ways and under certain conditions. We are considering how it is that our emotional “training” has come to control our logical implementation of will. And we are seeing how our happiness or sadness, our success or failure -- all these things the constitute the human animal -- is based simply on our learned behavior. It is something we all have and something that is intimately held within us all.
I think this is a great thing. I think so because I believe we are all smart enough to see the value in taking a decidedly proactive approach to re-learning how we give and take within.
These are some of the questions that rested on my mind this morning as I awakened. I lay there I wondered about the series of connected “dots” that compose our identity, and that set into motion the experiences we have in life.
As I consider these thoughts I begin to see a connection from one stage of the matter to the next. It occurs to me our identities have somehow become closely associated with our habits. These habits are nothing more than a series of repeated actions that we have become comfortable with. These actions are based upon the perspectives and realities we experience as we flow through the world as we evolve toward our individual (and collective) greatness. At various points in our evolution (in fact, the points of evolution) we decide what viewpoint we will embrace (and the accompanying attitude) or what viewpoint we will drop. Once these decisions are made our natural processes come into play and we soon find these new viewpoints tightly integrated into our view of the world.
In either case, we tend to adopt mannerisms, attitudes, and perspectives that are in line with how we regard the world, and the people in the world that we come across. It is these mannerisms that, when repeatedly exercised, become the recognizable traits of our character. Lo and behold, when we think of a person we have become acquainted with we hold a mental image of this person that is based on the actions of this person and the experiences we have had with this person, whether good or bad.
I tend to think about this with what I would consider an honest yet critical eye. I tend to use my thoughts to better understand the world around me, and apply these understandings to situations I find myself exposed to. I have found this approach to be helpful in my work with community and in helping to remove my own mental barriers.
Still, how is it that we have come to hold that part of us that opposes our true desire with such fervent passion?
I recently returned from a convention in Tampa and at one of the keynote events an older gentleman gave a presentation that really resonated regarding this subject. He sited an experiment done many years ago by Dr. Martin E. P. Seligman in which the term “Learned Helplessness” was coined.
The idea developed was based on a person who is exposed conditions that fostered adverse, fearful, or uncomfortable emotions. When this happens that person develops behaviors that remain present and impactful even when removed from the situation -- even applying them to similar situations later on in life. This is to say, we learn to behave in ways that perpetuate our thoughts of fear and helplessness even when removed from the circumstances that caused us adopt these viewpoints. Even when we have no clear reason to do so.
As I think about it, it makes a lot of sense. It explains why it is so hard for people to overcome past hurts or feelings of fear, rather choosing to continue protective and/or controlling behaviors. It explains why so many in our community have allowed their feelings of helplessness to dictate their views of and experiences in life, and it accounts for the many problems that grab us unexpectedly as we go about the business of maintaining lifelong relationships.
I see this every time I speak to a young man who proclaims he wants a job yet explains there are no jobs to be had. He, therefore, does not try to find work. He has learned to feel helpless -- it is his normal way now -- and so now he acts hopeless. In the end, the very thing he says he wants he has “learned” he cannot have and because of his thinking, he acts in ways that makes his belief his reality.
While some may call this a self fulfilling prophesy, I like to think this is nothing more than learned behavior. I take this position because I believe we can each control what we learn far more effectively then what we prophesy.
So we are now looking more carefully and honestly at how we have come to act in certain ways and under certain conditions. We are considering how it is that our emotional “training” has come to control our logical implementation of will. And we are seeing how our happiness or sadness, our success or failure -- all these things the constitute the human animal -- is based simply on our learned behavior. It is something we all have and something that is intimately held within us all.
I think this is a great thing. I think so because I believe we are all smart enough to see the value in taking a decidedly proactive approach to re-learning how we give and take within.
16 July 2009
No. 68 - $4.00 worth of gas
Funny how it seems, at times, that we so easily forget who we are, where we are, and what we claim we are about. And it’s peculiar how we are tested when we least expect it. For sure, there must be a book somewhere that records our every word and then quickly goes about setting things into play to let us prove our character.
Such was my experience today.
I had just completed work at a local place of worship. As I walked toward my car I heard a commotion. I looked over and across the street, through the fence, and watched as an older man, late 50’s I would say, hurriedly went from one person to the next. As I took in the scene it looked as if he was being shadowed by a woman.
I watched and vaguely heard his rushed words as one person after the next turned him down. He did not become upset... he would simply move on to the next person. Funny though, it seemed the street was abuzz with activity. Cars went by, mothers and children walked by, pairs of friends strolled along... yet no one seemed to be willing or able to help this gentleman.
I watched a moment longer... then I turned away to get into my car. After all, he had it covered. And then I heard him calling toward me.
I turned to look and there he was, boldly approaching me... saying something... words which became clearer to me as he finally stopped, standing less than five feet away.
“That’s my wife over there... she’s four months pregnant. I pray to God that you can help us. I had to come to my meeting today... just made it, then I ran out of gas. Can you help?” he said.
I looked at the woman again and sure enough I could see the tell-tale sign of a young life growing in the small rounded pouch that protruded before her.
It was hot... almost 90 degrees and there was no wind. I sweat just standing there. I looked at him a bit closer and could see his sweat as well.
“We just need a little gas to get to the house. I come here every week. If you leave your information I’ll pay you back. My back is out... I can’t walk in this heat,” he said.
I had put $4.00 in my pocket this morning. Not sure why... just did. I suppose, in retrospect, I had put it in my pocket for this moment.
“I will help,” I told him, and then he was heading towards his parked truck. I heard him say thank you more than once. I told him I’d pull over so we could go and get the gas.
When I pulled up to his truck his wife came over with a gas can. I was a little surprised but said nothing. He looked at me and said: “This truck has all we got in it... I’ll stay here and rest my back while you two go get the gas.”
I looked at the truck... it was filled with wood... pieces of board from some broken old building or some dilapidated old floor... to the point of overflowing. She wasted no time coming over and getting in.
I introduced myself, she introduced herself. I have to say it was awkward and I wasn’t sure about this at all. Did I miss something? Was I about to be hustled? Why would a man allow his wife to go with a stranger? What “rules of engagement” had been broken?
Then I remembered how my mother had helped others as we grew up. I remembered the good Samaritan story of old, and all the stories of good people helping those in need. I released my fear and doubt long enough to put myself in their shoes to try and understand... and long enough to consider these two strangers could be two angels.
Some may think my view is “pie-in-the-sky”. It may have been foolish of me to be trusting. Somehow I felt I was being tested. Here I was coming out of a church, there to help others, and just as I exit I’m faced with the choice of whether of not to help someone in real immediate need.
We got to the gas station and I gave her the $4.00. She graciously thanked me, went inside and paid for the gas. She came out and got $4.00 worth of gas, returning to the car with a sense of relief and joy.
“We really thank you,” she said. I said it was no problem and we headed back to her waiting husband.
When we arrived he was sitting with the door half open... I thought he was in a daze or about to pass out. He looked as though he was not feeling well. When asked, he said his back was killing him, having pulled it while getting the wood.
She got out of the car and thanked me again. They both did. I told them it was no problem... because it wasn’t. I then drove off.
As I drove towards my next stop I wondered about this unusual couple. I wondered how they had come to be together... how could they be together. It seemed so unlikely - him so old and her looking half his age... and pregnant to boot. I then recalled watching how she tenderly shared holding the gas can with her husband after I had dropped her off, their empty tank waiting for the needed gas.
I try to place some value on the $4.00 worth of gas as I allow the memory of the experience to settle in my mind. It occurs to me the value of that little bit of money was as such - at least to this couple:
Got them home after a long day of trials and tribulation in the hot Oakland Sun
Gave them an opportunity to keep trying to make a living for themselves
Created an opportunity for them to work together, to find a way to demonstrate their care and commitment even during this challenge
...And most importantly,
Showed them that prayers are answered.
Such was my experience today.
I had just completed work at a local place of worship. As I walked toward my car I heard a commotion. I looked over and across the street, through the fence, and watched as an older man, late 50’s I would say, hurriedly went from one person to the next. As I took in the scene it looked as if he was being shadowed by a woman.
I watched and vaguely heard his rushed words as one person after the next turned him down. He did not become upset... he would simply move on to the next person. Funny though, it seemed the street was abuzz with activity. Cars went by, mothers and children walked by, pairs of friends strolled along... yet no one seemed to be willing or able to help this gentleman.
I watched a moment longer... then I turned away to get into my car. After all, he had it covered. And then I heard him calling toward me.
I turned to look and there he was, boldly approaching me... saying something... words which became clearer to me as he finally stopped, standing less than five feet away.
“That’s my wife over there... she’s four months pregnant. I pray to God that you can help us. I had to come to my meeting today... just made it, then I ran out of gas. Can you help?” he said.
I looked at the woman again and sure enough I could see the tell-tale sign of a young life growing in the small rounded pouch that protruded before her.
It was hot... almost 90 degrees and there was no wind. I sweat just standing there. I looked at him a bit closer and could see his sweat as well.
“We just need a little gas to get to the house. I come here every week. If you leave your information I’ll pay you back. My back is out... I can’t walk in this heat,” he said.
I had put $4.00 in my pocket this morning. Not sure why... just did. I suppose, in retrospect, I had put it in my pocket for this moment.
“I will help,” I told him, and then he was heading towards his parked truck. I heard him say thank you more than once. I told him I’d pull over so we could go and get the gas.
When I pulled up to his truck his wife came over with a gas can. I was a little surprised but said nothing. He looked at me and said: “This truck has all we got in it... I’ll stay here and rest my back while you two go get the gas.”
I looked at the truck... it was filled with wood... pieces of board from some broken old building or some dilapidated old floor... to the point of overflowing. She wasted no time coming over and getting in.
I introduced myself, she introduced herself. I have to say it was awkward and I wasn’t sure about this at all. Did I miss something? Was I about to be hustled? Why would a man allow his wife to go with a stranger? What “rules of engagement” had been broken?
Then I remembered how my mother had helped others as we grew up. I remembered the good Samaritan story of old, and all the stories of good people helping those in need. I released my fear and doubt long enough to put myself in their shoes to try and understand... and long enough to consider these two strangers could be two angels.
Some may think my view is “pie-in-the-sky”. It may have been foolish of me to be trusting. Somehow I felt I was being tested. Here I was coming out of a church, there to help others, and just as I exit I’m faced with the choice of whether of not to help someone in real immediate need.
We got to the gas station and I gave her the $4.00. She graciously thanked me, went inside and paid for the gas. She came out and got $4.00 worth of gas, returning to the car with a sense of relief and joy.
“We really thank you,” she said. I said it was no problem and we headed back to her waiting husband.
When we arrived he was sitting with the door half open... I thought he was in a daze or about to pass out. He looked as though he was not feeling well. When asked, he said his back was killing him, having pulled it while getting the wood.
She got out of the car and thanked me again. They both did. I told them it was no problem... because it wasn’t. I then drove off.
As I drove towards my next stop I wondered about this unusual couple. I wondered how they had come to be together... how could they be together. It seemed so unlikely - him so old and her looking half his age... and pregnant to boot. I then recalled watching how she tenderly shared holding the gas can with her husband after I had dropped her off, their empty tank waiting for the needed gas.
I try to place some value on the $4.00 worth of gas as I allow the memory of the experience to settle in my mind. It occurs to me the value of that little bit of money was as such - at least to this couple:
Got them home after a long day of trials and tribulation in the hot Oakland Sun
Gave them an opportunity to keep trying to make a living for themselves
Created an opportunity for them to work together, to find a way to demonstrate their care and commitment even during this challenge
...And most importantly,
Showed them that prayers are answered.
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