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09 August 2009

No. 72 - Seeking with Faith

Today I spent some time on the beach watching the shoreline, the waves as they gently cascaded upon the land, the water foul, and the many different people enjoying the outside environs. There were couples, individuals and families, all enjoying the pleasant comfort of good times spent creating lasting memories in the Sun. While all this was most appealing to me there happened to be one pair the caught my eye and caused me to spend the majority of my time watching them.

A man and a dog were enjoying their time together playing a game of catch. The dog, a Black Lab, was most attentive and quite ready to fully enjoy the fun. Each time the man would pick his arm up to throw the ball the dog would take off at full sprint to retrieve it. What was intriguing to me was the fact that in every case the ball had not been thrown, yet the dog was off without pause. Each time the ball was thrown he would happily find it where ever it fell.

There are those who might argue the point that the dog was only responding to his training. While that is an appropriate perspective, I saw something else... something far more meaningful. What I saw led me to consider the Spiritual lesson that could be learned from this activity.

The dog, you see, went forward in faith. He gave his all to realize a goal -- that of getting the ball -- even when he had no idea where it would ultimately be found. That, to me, is the great lesson one can draw from this dispatch.

There are many who go forward in life with the full knowledge -- a great sense of knowing -- that the goals sought after will be had as long as they keep going forward in faith. As long as they give it our all and are consistently believe they will have it, they will. This assumes these people are seeking that which is beneficial not just to themselves, but to others as well.

Nowadays it’s hard to grasp this ideal because many are so anchored to the deeds and actions of the masses it is quite hard to allow themselves to believe anything other then following the herd as the appropriate path to realizing a given goal. I accept this line of thinking as true and relevant to those who embrace it while I also accept the notion that there is always another way to getting to the prize.

Many people espouse a great belief in the teachings of the Bible, the Tora, the Koran or some other great Spiritual work, yet some of the strongest truths written in these great Books go unheeded. They are minimized or twisted to conform to the thinking of those with little understanding of true Faith, and this limited insight soon becomes the ball-and-chains that keep these people from realizing a greater self.

The have Faith dwell within self can be perceived by some as fool-hardy or unrealistic. These are the folk who are mesmerized to the point of frozen fear when exposed to the Faith of others. They do not understand and find it difficult to grasp as a way of being.

There is much to be learned from the idea of going forward in Faith if we would but allow ourselves to be open to the lessons, and willing to internalize them. When we can do that we go through life with a greater sense of personal calm and confidence in our capabilities because we walk with the knowledge that we will succeed.

I believe this with all that I am. I believe our society is so lacking in positive energy and truly great leaders because so few understand the power of Faith. One may call if Religious, one may call is Spiritual, or one may call it nebulous... the choice goes to the individual. Whatever and however one defines it I believe we need more of it in todays world.

All around us individuals, couples, families and ultimately communities are floundering. The support infrastructure that once helped many can now help only a few. All indications are that even the few numbers that receive help will continue to be reduced.

I wonder what will happen to us when this inevitable reality in at our doorsteps. I wonder how will these many individuals cope with a world in transition all around them as everything they were once happily familiar with is no more. And what of the millions of children and youth who now are simply blowing in the wind because no one is there to guide them... how will they find comfort?

Faith and Hope have a cyclical relationship, always trading off o which will lead which. It is apparent to me that without Faith there will be no Hope. Without Hope so many more will be lost. How many is too many? What will become of those who think they have something today only to find out as this society continues to change, they have less... or nothing. Consider all the millions of families that once lived in luxury and are now part of the growing “lower class” society.

An interesting series of thoughts, indeed, and I hope you will share it with those you are close to. In fact, I am humbly asking that you do, and find reason to talk to them about this.

Seeking by Faith is rooted in the absolute belief that you will somehow realize your goal -- the way is made with each step forward, that is the extent of how far one must see (and believe). There is no measured path or outlined road one must follow... that road is already crowded with the clamor and ire of the many on that journey.

Whether the Faith that is needed applies to finally securing that home you’ve been after, or finding a way to get to college, the premise and act of Faith must be more broadly exercised.

As the world around us changes we most change with it. There are a million stories of defeat and loss one can specifically link to the inability to change when change is needed. As well, there are just as many stories of how belief translated into Faith has achieved what many thought were impossible, because Hope remained alive.

I’m reminded on a scripture: ...all things are possible to him that believeth...

What are you reminded of?

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