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28 December 2009

Words To Help Pt. 2

After reading the below chapters I’m reminded of the value of prayer, of having concrete knowledge that prayers do get answered, and of my own belief in my capacity to realize all the goals I have set for myself. I also find myself reminiscing on my past -- the little boy who believed without question all the goodness this world has to offer, the boy who sang royally in the youth choir, the young man who always found a way to laugh at every situation, and the young adult who fearlessly embraced a new life in the Marine Corps, knowing it was his path to take.

Here I am many years later and I’m finding my need for a full Spiritual existence continues to grow. The information contained in the book is both illuminating and vindicating. I am caused to feel I’ve been on the right path of belief and faith for a long time now... and now I can embrace an even greater amount of faith.

As I read these pages I am forced (gladly) to consider my deepest beliefs and the actions I have taken to represent them in my life. Furthermore, I found this book as an answer to a prayer I sent out for guidance. My reading it is helping me to assess where my faith really is, and whether I truly believe (at my deepest core) in all the things I’ve espoused for so many years. A tremendous book, indeed...

Excerpts from “The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind” - Dr. Joseph Murphy ~ Chapters 3, 4, 5 & 6 - ISBN: 0-13-685925-9 ~

Marvelous are thy works; and that my soul [subconscious mind] knoweth right well.

As previously outlined, your subconscious cannot argue. It acts only from what you write on it. It accepts your verdict or the conclusions of your conscious mind as final. This is why you are always writing on the book of life, because your thoughts become your experiences. The American essayist, Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Man is what he thinks all day long."

The reason there is so much chaos and misery in the world is because people do not understand the interaction of their conscious and subconscious minds. When these two principles work in accord, in concord, in peace, and synchronously together, you will have health, happiness, peace and joy. There is no sickness or discord when the conscious and subconscious work together harmoniously and peacefully.

You will find throughout all nature the law of action and reaction, of rest and motion. These two must balance, then there will be harmony and equilibrium. You are here to let the life principle flow through you rhythmically and harmoniously. The intake and the outgo must be equal. The impression and the expression must be equal. All your frustration is due to unfulfilled desire.

We injure ourselves by the negative ideas which we entertain. How often have you wounded yourself by getting angry, fearful, jealous, or vengeful? These are the poisons that enter your subconscious mind. You were not born with these negative attitudes. Feed your subconscious mind life-giving thoughts, and you will wipe out all the negative patterns lodged therein. As you continue to do this, all the past will be wiped out and remembered no more.

Oftentimes your conscious mind interferes with the normal rhythm of the heart, lungs, and functioning of the stomach and intestines by worry, anxiety, fear, and depression. These patterns of thought interfere with the harmonious functioning of your subconscious mind. When mentally disturbed, the best procedure is to let go, relax, and still the wheels of your thought processes. Speak to your subconscious mind, telling it to take over in peace, harmony, and divine order. You will find that all the functions of your body will become normal again. Be sure to speak to your subconscious mind with authority and conviction, and it will conform to your command.

Begin now to take care of your conscious mind, knowing in your heart and soul that your subconscious mind is always expressing, reproducing, and manifesting according to your habitual thinking.

Claim that the healing presence in your subconscious is flowing through you as harmony, health, peace, joy, and abundance. Think of it as a living intelligence, a lovely companion on the way. Firmly believe it is continually flowing through you vivifying, inspiring, and prospering you.

Belief is a thought in the subconscious mind. It means to accept something as true.

All frustration is due to unfulfilled desires. If you dwell on obstacles, delays, and difficulties, your subconscious mind responds accordingly, and you are blocking your own good.

Keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the best, and your subconscious will faithfully reproduce your habitual thinking.
Your thought, idea, plan, or purpose is as real on its own plane as your hand or your heart.

Faith as mentioned in the Bible is a way of thinking, an attitude of mind, an inner certitude, knowing that the idea you fully accept in your conscious mind will be embodied in your subconscious mind and made manifest. Faith is, in a sense, accepting as true what your reason and senses deny, i.e., a shutting out of the little, rational, analytical, conscious mind and embracing an attitude of complete reliance on the inner power of your subconscious mind. This is the time-honored technique of healing, utilized alike by all healing groups throughout the world regardless of religious affiliation.

If a man says he is allergic to Onion grass, you can place a synthetic onion or an empty glass in front of his nose, when he is in a hypnotic state, and tell him it is onion, he will portray the usual allergic symptoms. This indicates that the cause of the disease is in the mind. The healing of the disease can also take place mentally.

Healing is due to a confident expectancy which acts as a powerful suggestion to the subconscious mind releasing its healing potency.

Belief is a thought in your mind which causes the power of your subconscious to be distributed into all phases of your life according to your thinking habits.

All your experiences, all your actions, and all the circumstances of your life are but the reflections and reactions to your own thought.

I strongly suggest that you cease talking about your ailments or giving them a name. The only sap from which they draw life is your attention and fear of them. Furthermore, by the law of your own mind, these imaginings tend to take shape, As the thing I greatly feared. Fill your mind with the great truths of life and walk forward in peaceful contentment.

Great and noble thoughts upon which you habitually dwell become great acts.

The most fundamental and the most far-reaching activity in life is that which you build into your mentality every waking hour. Your word is silent and invisible; nevertheless, it is real.

You must ask believing, if you are to receive. Your mind moves from the thought to the thing. Unless there is first an image in the mind, it cannot move, for there would be nothing for it to move toward. You must reach a point of acceptance in your mind, an unqualified and undisputed state of agreement.

The conscious mind is submerged to a great extent when in a sleepy state. The reason for this is that the highest degree of outcropping of the subconscious occurs prior to sleep and just after we awaken. In this state the negative thoughts, which tend to neutralize your desire and so prevent acceptance by your subconscious mind, are no longer present.

Power goes into our word according to the feeling and faith behind it. When we realize the power that moves the world is moving on our behalf and is backing up our word, our confidence and assurance grow.

Remember that the thankful heart is always close to the riches of the universe.

... Stay tuned for excerpts from the next two chapters ...

27 December 2009

Words To Help

2009 is almost over and we have much to look forward to in 2010. I am in the process on making a significant change within my own self. I’ve begun reading a dynamic and interesting book that is acting as the catalyst for my change and I am honored to share the highlights with you. This book was first published in 1963 and the truths, lessons and insights contained within it still apply today.

I hope, as you read the below bullets, that you find something to hold on to that can be applied to your life today, and make 2010 your year of victory and new life as well.

As a result of my reading so far, I’ve created a short prayerly meditation I will make three times a day (each day), knowing this is the way to realizing all of my goals.

Excerpts from “The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind” - Dr. Joseph Murphy
~ Chapters 1 & 2 - ISBN: 0-13-685925-9 ~

Be sure that you think on whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Your subconscious mind is the builder of your body and can heal you. Lull yourself to sleep every night with the idea of perfect health, and your subconscious, being your faithful servant, will obey you.

Never use the terms, "I can't afford it" or "I can't do this." Your subconscious mind takes you at your word and sees to it that you do not have the money or the ability to do what you want to do. Affirm, "I can do all things through the power of my subconscious mind.”

The law of life is the law of belief. A belief is a thought in your mind. Do not believe in things to harm or hurt you. Believe in the power of your subconscious to heal, inspire, strengthen, and prosper you. According to your belief is it done unto you.

Whatever you claim mentally and feel as true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring forth into your experience.

Your subconscious mind is like the soil which accepts any kind of seed, good or bad. Your thoughts are active and might be likened unto seeds. Negative, destructive thoughts continue to work negatively in your subconscious mind, and in due time will come forth into outer experience which corresponds with them.

Remember, your subconscious mind does not engage in proving whether your thoughts are good or bad, true or false, but it responds according to the nature of your thoughts or suggestions. For example, if you consciously assume something as true, even though it may be false, your subconscious mind will accept it as true and proceed to bring about results which must necessarily follow, because you consciously assumed it to be true.

All things that have happened to you are based on thoughts impressed on your subconscious mind through belief. If you have conveyed erroneous concepts to your subconscious mind, the sure method of overcoming them is by the repetition of constructive, harmonious thoughts frequently repeated which your subconscious mind accepts, thus forming new and healthy habits of thought and life, for your subconscious mind is the seat of habit.

If you have indulged in fear, worry, and other destructive forms of thinking, the remedy is to recognize the omnipotence of your subconscious mind and decree freedom, happiness, and perfect health. Your subconscious mind, being creative and one with your divine source, will proceed to create the freedom and happiness which you have earnestly decreed.

It is true that different people will react in different ways to the same suggestion because of their subconscious conditioning or belief. For example, if you go to a sailor on the ship and say to him sympathetically, "My dear fellow, you're looking very ill. Aren't you feeling sick? You look to me as if you were going to be seasick." According to his temperament he either laughs at your "joke," or expresses a mild irritation. Your suggestion fell on deaf ears in this instance because your suggestion of seasickness was associated in his mind with his own immunity from it. Therefore, it called up not fear or worry, but self-confidence.

Autosuggestion may be used to banish various fears and other negative conditions. A young singer was invited to give an audition. She had been looking forward to the interview, but on three previous occasions she had failed miserably due to fear of failure. This young lady had a very good voice, but she had been saying to herself, "When the time comes for me to sing, maybe they won't like me. I will try, but I'm full of fear and anxiety."

Her subconscious mind accepted these negative autosuggestions as a request and proceeded to manifest them and bring them into her experience. The cause was an involuntary autosuggestion, ie., silent fear thoughts emotionalized and subjectified.

She overcame it by the following technique: Three times a day she isolated herself in a room. She sat down comfortably in an armchair, relaxed her body, and closed her eyes. She stilled her mind and body as best she could. Physical inertia favors mental passivity and renders the mind more receptive to suggestion. She counteracted the fear suggestion by saying to herself, "I sing beautifully. I am poised, serene, confident, and calm." She repeated this statement slowly, quietly, and with feeling from five to ten times at each sitting. She had three such "sittings" every day and one immediately prior to sleep. At the end of a week she was completely poised and confident. When the invitation to audition came, she gave a remarkable, wonderful audition.

From infancy on the majority of us have been given many negative suggestions. Not knowing how to thwart them, we unconsciously accepted them. Here are some of the negative suggestions: "You can't." "You'll never amount to anything." "You mustn't.” "You'll fail." "You haven't got a chance." "You're all wrong.” "It’s no use." "It's not what you know, but who you know.” "The world is going to the dogs." "What's the use, nobody cares." "It’s no use trying so hard." "You're too old now." "Things are getting worse and worse." "Life is an endless grind." "Love is for the birds." "You just can't win." "Pretty soon you'll be bankrupt" "Watch out, you'll get the virus." "You can't trust a soul.", etc.

Unless, as an adult, you use constructive autosuggestion, which is a reconditioning therapy, the impressions made on you in the past can cause behavior patterns that cause failure in your personal and social life. Autosuggestion is a means releasing you
from the mass of negative verbal conditioning that might otherwise distort your life pattern, making the development of good habits difficult.

Check regularly on the negative suggestions that people make to you. You do not have to be influenced by destructive heterosuggestion (heterosuggestion defined as suggestions from another person). All of us have suffered from it in our childhood and in our teens. If you look back, you can easily recall how parents, friends, relatives, teachers, and associates contributed in a campaign of negative suggestions. Study the things said to you, and you will discover much of it was in the form of propaganda. The purpose of much of what was said was to control you or instill fear into you.

... Stay tuned for excerpts from the next two chapters ...

12 December 2009

About Our Passion

Today I came to a conclusion able what it means to be a Man and how there are so many different ways we all think about Male Sexuality. We each have our own way of thinking about where a Man’s sexuality originates. All too often opinions are formed based solely upon what is comfortable to us. More interestingly, we wonder how Men would like our intimate passion expressed in our relationships. Of particular interest to me is that we all embrace thoughts we are comfortable with and then go about unable to acknowledge the value of how others think.

I was considering this while at one of my “places of thought” and decided to step outside my box. I tuned in to the local R&B radio station and decided to find out what I like about much of the music we now listen to.

Keep in mind, I use the words us, we, and our because I regard this, and all other matters I write about, as all part of One Black Nation. Our various views and ideals represent all of the different “parts” of our community that make us who we are. This is a truth we cannot escape. What is in the Mind and Spirit of one of us, is in the Mind and Spirit of all of us.

Back to this matter of passion...

There are two songs I have linked below in this dispatch, please take some time and challenge yourself to listen to them, and allow yourself to imagine the Artists are representing the truth of their perceptions, and doing so with all the passion they can muster. It is the only way they know how to do so.

Once you check them out I’d like you to consider somethings:

What if there was a part of that in all men? What if one of the reasons Men do not share their deepest desires with their Woman is that so many have decided to devalue perspectives they may be uncomfortable with? And, what if we came to a place in how we think that would allow us to enjoy this kind of passionate intimate diversity?

My conclusion: There is a part of everything in all of us; We are all Men and We love our Women.